Why is it important to eat well as I age?
Eating well can help you stay healthy, strong and independent as you age, especially when combined with physical activity. A healthy eating pattern can help:
- Prevent and manage health conditions like high blood pressure and high cholesterol
- Build a healthy immune system
- Keep your bones and muscles strong
- Support your brain health
- Prevent, slow or reverse frailty. Frailty is when older adults have reduced function and health. That can mean having a harder time with daily tasks like eating, bathing, using the toilet and moving about. It can also mean that minor illnesses like the flu cause more harm than they usually would
- Lower the risk of falls. Falls are a leading cause of injury-related deaths and hospitalizations for older adults in British Columbia
What changes can I expect as I get older?
As you get older, you may notice changes like:
- Slowly losing muscle mass and function. This happens naturally, as early as in your 40s. You might also notice changes in your weight. Being physically active, eating nutritious foods and getting enough protein can help
- Having a smaller appetite. Not being able to eat as much makes it even more important to make snacks and mealtimes nutritious and enjoyable
- Not feeling thirsty as often. Try to get into the habit of drinking fluids regularly so you stay hydrated, even if you do not feel thirsty
- Being constipated more often. Fluids, physical activity and fibre can help
Your body’s ability to use or absorb some nutrients may also change. And your risk for some health conditions will increase.
Building healthy habits now can help you manage these changes, protecting and promoting your health as you age.
What nutrients are important as I get older?
Protein helps maintain muscle mass and supports recovery from illness and injury. As you get older, it may become harder to meet your protein needs. Try these tips to boost your intake:
- Add canned beans, peas or lentils to your soups, salads, pasta sauces and casseroles. Choose options with little to no added salt
- Try a stir-fry with tofu or other soy foods like bean curd, soybeans, edamame or tempeh
- Use shredded chicken, pork, sliced lean meats or fish in a sandwich or wrap
- Prepare hard-boiled eggs to snack on throughout the week
- Enjoy yogurt with fruit or mix plain yogurt into soup or chili. Greek yogurt is higher in protein
- Use cottage cheese as a dip for sliced vegetables or top it with fresh or canned fruit
- Have cheese, hummus or canned fish with crackers or toast
- Add nut butter to your toast or hot cereal
- Snack on a handful of nuts, seeds or edamame
- Have a glass of milk or unsweetened fortified soy beverage
Calcium is important for healthy bones, teeth, muscles and nerves. Women aged 51 and older and men aged 71 and older have higher calcium needs. Include several food sources of calcium every day to help meet your needs. This includes:
- Dairy products and unsweetened fortified plant-based beverages
- Tofu (check the ingredients list for calcium)
- Edamame, soybeans, white beans, navy beans
- Fish and shellfish such as sardines, herring, canned salmon with bones, shrimp, clams
- Dark green vegetables like okra, bok choy, kale
Vitamin D
Vitamin D helps your body absorb and use calcium for healthy bones, teeth and muscles. Health Canada recommends that adults aged 51 years and older take a daily 400 IU vitamin D supplement in addition to eating foods that have vitamin D. Foods with vitamin D include fresh or canned salmon, mackerel, cow milk, fortified plant-based beverages, margarine and egg yolk.
Fibre can be soluble or insoluble.
Soluble fibre helps to manage blood sugar and lower blood cholesterol. It’s found in oats, barley, beans, peas, lentils, nuts, seeds, and some fruits and vegetables.
Insoluble fibre helps with constipation and is found in fruit and vegetable skins, whole grains, wheat bran and legumes.
Add more fibre to your diet gradually to avoid gas and bloating. As you slowly increase your fibre intake, drink plenty of fluids. They work together to help with constipation.
Healthy fats
Fat provides energy, helps absorb nutrients, and is important for brain and nerve function. Choose foods with unsaturated fats, such as:
- Fatty fish like salmon, herring, mackerel and trout
- Nuts, seeds and soy products like tofu
- Oils such as olive, canola, peanut, sunflower, safflower, corn, peanut, soybean and flax
Water helps to:
- Prevent dehydration. Dehydration can make it hard to focus and cause tiredness, headaches, dizziness and fainting. This can lead to falls
- Manage your blood pressure
- Protect and cushion your joints and organs
- Control your body temperature
As you get older, your sense of thirst may decline. It’s important to drink water throughout the day, even if you do not feel thirsty. Other healthy fluids that can help you stay hydrated include:
- Unsweetened coffee and tea
- Unsweetened lower fat milk and fortified plant-based beverages such as soy, oat, almond
- Low sodium soups
If your urine is light yellow or clear, it usually means that you’re getting enough to drink. If your urine is dark yellow and has a strong smell, you likely need more fluids.
What eating patterns can support my health as I get older?
There’s no one-size-fits-all eating pattern for healthy aging. Many styles of eating can support your health. Some examples of healthy eating patterns include Canada’s food guide and the Mediterranean, DASH and MIND diets.
In general, aim to:
- Eat plenty of vegetables and fruit, choosing a variety of colours
- Have protein foods at most meals and snacks. Include plant-based options like beans, peas, lentils, nuts and seeds daily
- Include whole grains and healthy fats in your meals and snacks
Most older adults do not eat enough vegetables and fruit. Try these tips to help you eat more:
- Top your breakfast cereal, oatmeal or yogurt with fresh, dried or frozen fruit
- Add frozen or canned vegetables to your soups, chilis, pasta sauces and casseroles
- Top toast with nut butter and banana or with avocado and cherry tomatoes
- Keep cut-up vegetables in the fridge and a bowl of fruit on the counter
What do I need to limit?
Limiting sodium, sugar, saturated fat and alcohol can help manage or lower the risk of chronic conditions such as high blood pressure, heart disease and type 2 diabetes.