2391 results found
Health topics
… to accept that feeling and not resist it. What else do you notice around you? Eat a meal in silence. Focus only on your food. Eat slowly, and savour each bite. What flavours do you taste? Sit alone and … while you breathe in and out. Stop and be mindful for a few moments every few hours. You can do this at work, at home, …
Health topics
… which is a focus only on things happening in the present moment. Mindfulness is not a time to "zone out" or "space … how your body feels. For example, you may sit quietly and notice your emotions. You might focus only on the sounds … a meal in silence. Focus only on your food. Eat slowly, and savour each bite. What flavours do you taste? Sit alone and …
Health features
… enjoyment, comfort and connection. Preparing, sharing, and savouring traditional dishes and meals supports our social, … take the time to practice mindful eating. Eat slowly, and savour the aromas, flavours and textures of your food. For …
Health topics
… on the things that are happening right now in the present moment. The idea is to note what you experience without … right now. Don't try to change your breathing. Just notice how it feels in your lungs and chest. If your mind … wanders, don't worry or feel bad about yourself. Try to notice your thoughts, such as "I wonder what I will need to …
Health topics
… you can. 10 minutes: Eat a piece of fruit. Eat slowly, and savour each bite. What flavours do you taste? 15 minutes: … a walk. Go outside if you can. Take a few deep breaths. Notice what's around you, the sounds, and how the air feels. … What would I want my family, friends, or co-workers to notice about me? What are some things I could do to cope …
Health topics
… as your surroundings. Allow yourself the time to pause and savour the moment. Belly-Breathing (Diaphragmatic Breathing) Breathr …
Health topics
… do it. Being mindful really just means being present in the moment and paying attention. It can help you calm your mind, … Sit somewhere you feel comfortable, and try to eat slowly. Notice the texture of your sandwich. Is the bread soft or … affection. Note: This works best with pets who aren't fish! Notice the temperature of the animal's body and the weight …
Health topics
… hungry. Pick a healthy food that you truly enjoy. Try to savour each bite. Choose some new healthy foods to add to … hungry. Pick a healthy food that you truly enjoy. Try to savour each bite. Choose some new healthy foods to add to …
Health topics
… wavers from situation to situation and sometimes moment to moment, depending upon the interaction. A child's … Don't wait until your child has done something wrong to notice his or her behaviour. Support your child during his … Don't wait until your child has done something wrong to notice his or her behaviour. Support your child during his …
Health topics
… without judging them. When a situation upsets you, take a moment to process your emotions. Don't judge them. Instead, … to do, focus on the positive emotions you feel in the moment. Current as of: October 20, 2022 Author: … without judging them. When a situation upsets you, take a moment to process your emotions. Don't judge them. Instead, …