You may need to end a pregnancy for personal or medical reasons. Other times it could happen on its own, as is the case of miscarriage or spontaneous abortion.
Many resources about abortion are available to people in B.C. If you have questions about pregnancy options, procedures and other topics, you can call these toll-free numbers:
- Pregnancy Options Line: 1-888-875-3163 throughout B.C. or 604-875-3163 from the Lower Mainland. This service provides information, resources and referral for all abortion services, including counselling. These services are available to B.C. residents
- Sex Sense Line: 1-800-SEX-SENSE (1-800-739-7367) throughout B.C. or 604-731-7803 from the Lower Mainland. This service offers general sexual and reproductive health information. They also provide referral to resources throughout B.C.
If you have been forced to have sex without your consent, visit:
- VictimLinkBC or call toll-free 1-800-563-0808.