Eating habits include what, where, when, why and how people eat. Learn about healthy eating habits and how to make lifelong positive changes to improve your health.
Last updated
Healthy eating habits
Read about healthy eating habits and how to find trusted information:
- Healthy eating for Canadians
- Drinking enough water
- Finding reliable nutrition information on the internet
Changing eating habits
Learn about changing eating habits, including how to start, stay on track and how a food journal can help:
- Healthy eating: Starting a plan for change
- Healthy eating: Staying with your plan
- Healthy eating: Overcoming barriers to change
- Healthy eating: Getting support when changing your eating habits
- Improving your eating habits (Government of Canada)
- Food journaling: How to keep track of what you eat
Eating out
Explore how to choose healthier options when you eat out:
- Healthy eating: Making healthy choices when you eat out
- Healthy eating for holidays and events (Government of Canada)
- Choose healthy menu options (Government of Canada)
Mindful eating
Find information on mindful eating, including paying attention to hunger and fullness cues:
- Be mindful of your eating habits (Government of Canada)
- Hunger cues (Government of Canada)
- Emotional eating
Culture and traditions
Learn about making culture and traditions part of healthy eating:
Food marketing
Social media posts, commercials, contests, sales, and other forms of marketing can impact your food choices. Find out more, including what you can do to make healthy food choices: