You can contact HealthLink BC 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to get health information and advice.
Translation services
Support is available in more than 130 languages.
After dialing 8-1-1, you will be connected with an English-speaking health service navigator. To get service in another language, state the language you need support in (for example, say “Punjabi”). An interpreter who speaks that language will join the call to assist you.
Deaf and hard of hearing
People who are deaf and hard of hearing can contact 8-1-1 using Video Relay Services (VRS), or Teletypewriter (TTY).
Video Relay Services (VRS) sign language interpretation is free for people who are deaf, hard of hearing or speech impaired. Sign up with VRS and have them call 604-215-5101.
Call 7-1-1 to access the Teletypewriter (TTY) relay service. A TTY call allows a person with a hearing or speech disability to reach a relay operator to facilitate a call with 8-1-1.
Web-enabled phone services
If you want to contact 8-1-1 using a web-enabled telephone service like Skype or Google Talk, or if your service provider doesn’t support calling 8-1-1, please dial 604-215-8110.
By email
If you have general questions or comments about our services, you can reach us by:
Please note that we are unable to provide general health information or advice about symptoms by email. For general health information or symptom advice, please call us at 8-1-1, available 24 hours a day.
If you have a concern about the care you or someone you know has received, or feedback about a public health service or organization, find information on who to contact.