3921 results found
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Health topics
… of one 30-minute session). Monitor your successes by using a logbook, calendar, or diary. Check out our Physical …
Health topics
… the garden, or pull weeds. Do basic muscle-conditioning exercises such as push-ups, leg lifts, and other familiar exercises. Try muscle-strengthening exercises using weights. You can use cans of food instead of buying …
Health topics
… or is gaining weight too quickly? Growth can be assessed using the Body Mass Index (BMI) to track your child’s growth …
Health topics
… they can be watched closely for infections and changes in breathing and heart rate and be kept warm. They may be fed … immature lungs so they can't breathe on their own. Stop breathing from time to time ( apnea of prematurity ). Not be … boost her baby's immune system by providing breast milk. Using pumped breast milk for tube-feeding reduces your …
Health topics
… can spread and cause weakness in the muscles that control breathing or swallowing. What else can you do to prevent … how painful they are, and what you think might be causing them. Have a healthy lifestyle. Exercise regularly, … trigger your headaches. Practice relaxation and breathing exercises, such as meditation, guided imagery, tai chi, or …
Health topics
… repair is recommended for inguinal hernias that are causing pain or other symptoms. It's also recommended for … dioxide used to inflate the belly may interfere with their breathing. Are pregnant. Are extremely obese. Laparoscopic … dioxide used to inflate the belly may interfere with their breathing. Are pregnant. Are extremely obese. Laparoscopic …
Health topics
… Participate in aqua fit classes or do your own pool exercises Have a friend or family member assist and support …
Health topics
Health topics