3939 results found
Health topics
… TS is unknown. It tends to run in families. And it is more common in boys than in girls. What are the symptoms? Most … your child learn to cope with tics. Start by learning more about TS and being supportive at home. Work with your … with TS don't have uncontrollable outbursts of cursing or sexual behaviour. Attention Deficit …
Health topics
… either side of the neck, under the jaw, or behind the ears commonly swell when you have a cold or sore throat. Glands … body to fight off infection and some disease. Syphilis , a sexually transmitted infection. How are swollen lymph nodes … nodes that don't go away or return to normal size within about a month should be checked by your doctor. How long …
Health topics
… or genital bleeding. Anal tears or dilation. Symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) , such as gonorrhea , … of stool, or anal injury, may be caused by physical or sexual abuse that injures the abdominal or rectal area. An … or genital bleeding. Anal tears or dilation. Symptoms of a sexually transmitted infection (STI) , such as gonorrhea , …
Health topics
… to know what to include in your advance care plan . Use the questions below to help you get started. Who do you want to make decisions about your medical care if you are not able to? What … and how much control you want to have over it? End-of-life questions Here are some other questions to think about: …
Health topics
… what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Warts: Should I Treat Warts? 1 Get the Facts 2 … is for a person who is deciding about whether to treat a common wart or a plantar wart. It is not about genital … more about my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a …
Health topics
… what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Nearsightedness: Should I Have Laser Surgery? 1 … 20/20 vision . The surgery can cause side effects. The most common one is cloudy vision, which usually goes away but may … more about my options. 3. Use the following space to list questions, concerns, and next steps. Your Summary Here's a …
Health topics
… June 1, 2021 Overview At school-age, children begin to care about fitting into the wider social world. They try to … biggest influence on your child’s development. Learn more about helping your child to understand the world around them … children and the body It can feel uncomfortable to discuss sexuality with your child. But as a parent, you are the …
Health topics
… may have poor bowel control and poor hygiene. Some types of sexual contact, such as anal-oral contact. After a person is … that causes the infection. Your doctor will also ask questions about your past health and do a physical examination. In …
Health topics
… what your choices are so that you can talk to your doctor about them. Depression: Should My Child Take Medicine to … and keeps taking it so it has time to work. If you have questions or concerns about your child's medicine, or if you … but they will usually go away within the first few weeks. Common side effects include: Nausea. Loss of appetite. …
Health topics
… 1 Increased spotting during the first couple of months is common, followed by less bleeding thereafter. What are common side effects? The LNg IUD can reduce menstrual … Mood swings Headaches Acne These side effects are not common. But if they do happen, they usually go away after …