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3991 results found
Health topics
… Overview Recovery means finding your path to a meaningful life. It puts you in control of … based on your ability to bounce back, cope, and make use of other talents. Value yourself and build on these strengths. Your recovery includes support from others. Make friends and build relationships. Join groups …
Health topics
… pregnancy for 2.5 to 10 years, depending on the type. Your doctor will remove your IUD after this time or if you … become pregnant or to use a different birth control method. Otherwise, your doctor will remove your IUD at the end of … is removed. If your doctor doesn't see the strings, other tools may be used. Or an ultrasound may be done to …
Health topics
… also have less sexual sensation. And smoking can also cause other health problems. During sexual arousal, a woman's … using hormonal birth control increases a woman's risks for other health problems, such as blood clots, heart attack, … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… have Tourette's disorder are no more likely to blow up than other people. But some people with TD who also have … (OCD) , or an anxiety disorder may be more likely than others to have strong emotional reactions to stress. "Adults … Incorporated disclaims any warranty or liability for your use of this information. Your use of this information …
Health topics
… who is grieving. Here are some ideas that may help. Teach your teen about the grieving process. Teens may need help … be ready to respond to a loss at the same time as you or other people. Don't expect your teen to grieve on yourother ways to express grief, such as a private service at home. Set reasonable limits on behaviour. After a loss, …
Health topics
… Overview You may want to give the teacher a copy of your child's treatment plan to keep with this school plan. … that he or she needs the following classroom, test, or homework accommodations: Sample: My child needs extra time … the follow consequence to help us control that behaviour: Other concerns I have about my child's learning experiences: …
Health topics
… connect with them by telephone or through the Internet. Your network of relationships may be big or small. One or … small, the important thing is that you are there for each other. Why are social connections important? Resilience , … can be a good choice for people who cannot leave their homes or are shy or self-conscious. …
Health topics
… Overview As children grow and develop, the safety of the home needs to be continually checked. Accidental injuries … age 5. The following questions can help you determine how your child's skills can affect his or her safety in the … Health and Safety, Birth to 2 Years Preschoolers: Helping Your Child Explore Citations American Academy of …
Health topics
… who have PAD . If you have trouble walking because of your symptoms, this type of program may help you walk more easily. footnote 1 Your doctor may recommend a supervised exercise program. … the pain starts. You may start a similar walking program at home (with your doctor's approval). You'll get instructions …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … the difference between patellar tracking disorder and some other knee problems. To find out what problem you have, your … If you don't have severe pain, a week or two of rest and home care may help. When your knee pain starts to decrease, …