1819 results found
Health topics
… abuser may act jealous, controlling, or possessive. These early signs of abuse may happen soon after the start of the relationship and might be hard to notice at first. After the relationship becomes more serious, the … for your safety and the safety of your children. Your first step is to contact a local advocacy group for support, …
Health topics
… postpartum blues, also called the "baby blues," during the first few days after childbirth. They may lose sleep, feel … Poor concentration. In some women, sometime in the first 3 months after delivery, the baby blues become a more … Many new moms feel down, anxious, or irritable during the first few days after giving birth. But there are many things …
Health topics
… every day, but they do need to stay clean and dry. For the first bath, it helps to have someone experienced with you. … the hospital will show you how to bathe your baby for the first time. On this page: General tips Eyes and face Scalp … washing, think cleanest to dirtiest. Wash the eyes and face first and work your way down to the diaper area, leaving it …
Health topics
… it's common for newborns to pass some pink urine in the first 3 days of life. This may be from crystals in the … who have a UTI usually have symptoms that are more clearly related to the urinary tract. Symptoms may include: … to the kidneys through the bloodstream. Except during the first 3 months of life, girls are more likely than boys to …
Health topics
… the care you can expect during pregnancy, birth, and the first weeks after your baby's birth A place to record … through your sacred journey of pregnancy, birth and baby’s first few weeks. The passport provides an expectant mother …
Health topics
… items and bedding. Smallpox is easiest to spread during the first week of the rash. As scabs form, the person is less … But a person can spread the virus from the time the rash first appears until all scabs have fallen off. If a … the disease to other people. What are the symptoms? The first symptoms of smallpox include a high fever, fatigue, a …
Health topics
… in your day/week. Before deciding, it may be helpful to first learn about the benefits you can gain by being … (Topic E; University of Alberta, Canada) Taking the first step: deciding to be physically active (Topic A; … is likely to fail. Instead, when getting started, think first about what physical activities you enjoy, what times …
Health topics
… Capsaicin is used to help relieve pain. Capsaicin works by first stimulating and then decreasing the intensity of pain signals in the body. Although pain may at first increase, it usually decreases after the first use. Capsaicin stimulates the release of a compound …
Health topics
… are used by health care workers and people who provide first aid when they may be in contact with blood or body … everyone use blood and body fluid precautions when giving first aid. Are blood and body fluid precautions always … to another person's blood or body fluids. If you give first aid, use blood and body fluid precautions . You may …
Health topics
… room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to erupt, … if needed. Often the orthodontist chooses to remove the first premolars. Malocclusion and … room for the permanent incisors. After 2 years, when the first premolars and permanent canines are ready to erupt, …