3981 results found
Health topics
… June 1, 2021 A healthy weight is one that contributes to your overall health, well-being and quality of life. It is different for each individual. Your weight is not simply a result of what you eat or how active you are. Genetics, health conditions, …
Health topics
… available in more than 130 languages. After dialing 8-1-1 , you will be connected with an English-speaking health … To get service in another language, state the language you need support in (for example, say “Punjabi”). An … who speaks that language will join the call to assist you. Many HealthLinkBC Files and Health Features are …
Health topics
… Overview Keep a journal to record your eating patterns. It might look like this: Eating … to 10 scale goes from least full to most full. So "1" means you're extremely hungry or starving, and "10" means you're so full that you feel sick. Record your intake for …
Health topics
… Overview If a person's HIV infection progresses, you may be called on to provide home care for that person. A home care course may give you the knowledge, skills, and confidence to provide the care needed. Contact your local Red Cross chapter, Victorian Order of Nurses, or …
Health topics
… through a medical history and physical examination. If your doctor suspects that you have subclinical hypothyroidism, you will have lab tests to confirm the diagnosis. …
Health topics
… for coronary artery disease. Being overweight increases your chances of having risk factors for the disease. These … weight and staying at a healthy weight can help lower your risk for coronary artery disease. Weight loss often … levels. Losing weight may also help control diabetes. If you have coronary artery disease, your doctor will likely …
Health topics
… sprained to prevent further injury and ease pain until you can see a health professional. Splinting may also be helpful after a snakebite while you wait for help to arrive. There are two ways to … are not substitutes for proper medical evaluation and care. Your doctor will provide you with a splint or cast that is …
Health topics
… Overview Babies usually cry for a reason. For example, your baby may be letting you know they're hungry, tired, too hot or cold, or need a diaper change. Over time, you'll learn the difference in your baby's cries. Then you …
Health topics
… Place a cloth between the ice and the skin. The sooner you apply a cold pack, the less swelling will occur. Do not … follow all instructions on the label. If the doctor gave you a prescription medicine for pain, take it as prescribed. If you are not taking a prescription pain medicine, ask your …
Health topics
… its pre-pregnancy size. After breastfeeding is established, your body may release oxytocin when you hear a baby cry, think of your baby, or have sexual intercourse. When this occurs, …