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2717 results found
Health topics
… heart's workload. Some people need extra oxygen all the time. Others need it from time to time throughout the day or overnight. A doctor will …
Health topics
… have other health problems such as diabetes. Most of the time, bypass surgery is open-chest surgery. Its risks … some people. Recovery is quicker than with surgery. Over time, there is a chance that blood vessels with stents can … I couldn't do all the things I wanted to do. I knew it was time to have the surgery. Alan, age 70 My doctor tells me …
Health topics
… visit Canada's food guide . The winter season is often a time for celebrating with family and friends. Food plays an …
Health topics
… exercise professional  between 9:00 AM and 5:00 PM Pacific Time Monday to Friday or  email a qualified exercise …
Health topics
… a mask? Wearing a mask can be a little uncomfortable at times. Most people would probably agree that it takes some … to drink enough water while wearing your mask for a long time. So make sure you drink enough. Prevent skin problems. … a mask? Wearing a mask can be a little uncomfortable at times. Most people would probably agree that it takes some …
Health topics
… whether you exercise at a high intensity for just a short time or at a low intensity for a longer period of time. If, for example, you are a person who finds exercising … whether you exercise at a high intensity for just a short time or at a low intensity for a longer period of time. If, …
Health topics
… ovarian cancer. The fallopian tubes are removed at the same time. If you haven't yet started menopause , having your … Removing the ovaries does not always prevent cancer. Sometimes a woman already has cancer before the surgery but … have children. You will go into menopause at your normal time. You will continue to have a high risk for ovarian …
Health topics
… Overview Ages 15 to 18 are an exciting time of life. But these years can be challenging for teens … May have emotional swings from day to day. Seem mature at times, but other times may not. May rebel and have difficult behaviour. Start …
Health topics
… beat is controlled by the heart's electrical system. Sometimes the system misfires, causing an irregular heart rhythm … worry about it. Tom, age 61 I had a cardioversion a long time ago, and it worked for a good while. I don't like the … beat is controlled by the heart's electrical system. Sometimes the system misfires, causing an irregular heart rhythm …
Health topics
… COPD or heart failure, can feel like a lot to take on. Sometimes it can be hard for people to accept help. Or they may … to you. For example: "I want you to be with us for a long time." Don't try to make them feel guilty. Ask if there are … all the chores in one part of the house at around the same time. Take rest breaks often. Sit down whenever possible …