3991 results found
Health topics
… is celiac disease? Celiac disease is a problem some people have with foods that contain gluten. Gluten is a type of … wheat, barley, rye, and triticale (a wheat-rye cross). When you have this disease and you eat food with gluten in it, …
Health topics
… for acute kidney injury may be done daily until your kidneys are working again. You are connected to a … often with the help of a friend or family member. You have choices for how long and how often you do it. You can … in the blood (acidosis). Hemodialysis is sometimes used when acute kidney injury develops. Dialysis is always used …
Health topics
… like a hollow spool. Doctors suggest tubes for children who have repeat ear infections or when fluid stays behind the eardrum. A specialist ( … drainage from the middle ear. The fluid buildup can lower your or your child's ability to hear. And the warm, moist …
Health topics
… Oxygen at Home Actionset Overview Oxygen therapy helps you get more oxygen into your lungs and bloodstream. You may … or take drugs that relax you while using oxygen. Alcohol, sleeping pills, or sedatives and other drugs can make you … Be aware of tripping hazards. Make sure you are careful when you are moving around. You or someone else could trip …
Health topics
… is a procedure used to remove varicose veins. Your doctor will make several tiny cuts (incisions) in the … footnote 1 But it's less likely to fix varicose veins when the leg veins aren't working well. Because that's the … Varicose Veins Varicose Veins: Should I Have a Surgical Procedure? Citations Tisi P …
Health topics
… But if a joint is badly diseased, surgery may provide pain relief and improve function. Arthroplasty is considered when: Symptoms can no longer be controlled with medicine, … Pain from rheumatoid arthritis can no longer be tolerated. You are not able to do normal daily activities. Narrowing of …
Health topics
… studies show that it may be related to problems with the sleep-wake cycle and certain hormones. What are the … their night eating. People with night eating syndrome also have sleep problems, including difficulty falling asleep and … times during the night. How is it diagnosed? To find out if you have night eating syndrome, your doctor will ask …
Health topics
… anxiety disorder? Generalized anxiety disorder occurs when you feel worried and stressed about many everyday events and … being startled easily. Having problems falling or staying asleep. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your …
Health topics
… Diagnosis and treatment of asthma can be a challenge if you are age 65 or older. You might have another medical condition that masks your asthma. Or … . Some conditions, such as osteoporosis , can become worse when you use asthma medicines. Your doctor may prescribe …
Health topics
… injuries. If a crib doesn't meet current safety standards, your baby may be injured. A properly constructed crib has: … your child grows. Start lowering the mattress no later than when your child begins to sit with little help. Adjust the … 90 cm (35 in.) tall, they have outgrown the crib and should sleep in a bed. Remove mobiles and activity gyms from the …