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Health topics
… depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may itch. How is it diagnosed? Your … a Wood's lamp to look closely at your spots. Both of these tests can show whether the problem is caused by a fungus. … without a prescription (for example, Nizoral, Head and Shoulders). You may need to use the product once or twice …
Health topics
… Pregnancy-Related Problems On this page: Overview Check Your Symptoms Self-Care Preparing For Your Appointment Related … you'll be healthy during your pregnancy. You probably won't have any serious health concerns. But it's important for you to be aware of symptoms that may mean you have a more serious problem. Talk with your doctor or …
Health topics
… Always wipe from front to back to prevent germs from her bowel movements getting into the urinary tract Gently clean … disposables and find the rash is getting worse. If you have followed these suggestions and the rash lasts longer …
Health topics
… success depends on your gender, the type of Hodgkin you have, its stage, and your age when you are diagnosed. What … affects the immune system and keeps it from working as it should. Some of the gene changes in Hodgkin lymphoma may be … and will do a physical examination. You may also get: Lab tests, including a complete blood count, to check the number …
Health topics
… problems, such as gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) or irritable bowel syndrome, stress can make your symptoms worse. Reproductive …
Health topics
… heart muscle is weak, it can't pump out blood as well as it should. More blood stays in your heart after each heartbeat. … dilated cardiomyopathy. What are the symptoms? You may not have any symptoms at first. Or you may have mild symptoms, … check your legs for fluid buildup. You may also have other tests. These include: An electrocardiogram , also known as …
Health topics
… is low compared to normal peak density, you are said to have low bone density. Having low bone density means there … bone density and, eventually, osteoporosis. What are the symptoms? Low bone density has no symptoms. You notice no … for fractures caused by osteoporosis, routine screening should begin sooner. footnote 1 Osteoporosis Canada …
Health topics
… to the heart. The veins of the legs might not work as they should. This can allow blood to leak backward. It can lead … veins . In venous insufficiency, the valves in the veins have become damaged. These valves normally keep blood … who smoke or stand for long periods of time. What are the symptoms? Symptoms of venous insufficiency affect the legs. …
Health topics
… What effect does alcohol have on a fetus? A woman who drinks alcohol while she is … before and after birth. And the doctor will know to do more tests, if needed, as your child grows. If you think you … may be able to spot severe alcohol effects ( fetal alcohol syndrome, or FAS ) in the child at birth. But less severe …
Health topics
… But sudden weakness that occurs on one side of your face should be checked by a doctor right away to rule out these … the cause of your symptoms is not clear, you may need other tests, such as blood tests, an MRI , or a CT scan . How is Bell's palsy treated? Most people who have Bell's palsy recover completely, without treatment, in …