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Health topics
… Information Overview Self-esteem is the core belief people have about themselves. Your self-esteem is reflected in your … you feel good about yourself, such as working out, growing flowers, or going to church. See if you can come up with at … you feel good about yourself, such as working out, growing flowers, or going to church. See if you can come up with at …
Health topics
… teen make good decisions in the future. Using the example below, have your teen help you write the contract. Teens feel more … Risky situations In risky situations, we agree to the following: If offered a substance (alcohol, cigarettes, …
Health topics
… as causing one another. What are the symptoms? People who have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) have trouble falling or staying asleep (insomnia), or they … as causing one another. What are the symptoms? People who have periodic limb movement disorder (PLMD) have trouble …
Health topics
… Information Overview People with Down syndrome usually have some level of independence by the time they become … This happens because they usually burn calories more slowly than children who do not have Down syndrome. Also, … This happens because they usually burn calories more slowly than children who do not have Down syndrome. Also, …
Health topics
… What causes it? Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. Premature ejaculation may occur with a … to talk to your partner also. Premature ejaculation can have many causes. So your doctor may order lab tests to rule … What causes it? Most cases of premature ejaculation do not have a clear cause. Premature ejaculation may occur with a …
Health topics
… "Do you want to put your coat or your shoes on first?" Have happy goodbye routines when you and family members leave each other Allow your toddler to help with chores. Your toddler could put … Give your toddler opportunities to feel successful Allow your toddler to play on her own Talk about emotions: …
Health topics
… leave your baby asleep in a car seat or stroller. Once you have reached your destination, place your baby on a safe … Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)     Sun safety Babies have delicate, sensitive skin that’s easily damaged by sun. …
Health topics
… Keep your home and environment as safe as possible to allow your toddler more freedom to explore Protect his … experiences Talk with your toddler about things that have happened in her life. As she gets older, tell your … of when she was younger, and answer any questions she may have. These memories can give your toddler a sense of her …
Health topics
… of drug withdrawal may: Be cranky and jittery. Cry a lot. Have trouble feeding and sleeping. Have stomach problems … Your baby may be given less of the medicine over time to allow the body to adjust. Your baby may need to spend days to … you instructions for caring for your baby. Be sure to follow all of your doctor's instructions closely. …
Health topics
… all of its members. Family therapy is based on the following concepts as well. Illness in one family member may be … therapy. Usually, the better the family functions, the lower the stress level for the person with the health … different situations, including those in which: The parents have conflict within their relationship. A child has …