3135 results found
Health topics
… like climbing, balancing and catching Understand and follow the rules of any game or sport they’re playing. … want to do it, and help him think of other activities to try. Physical activity is meant to be fun, rather than criticism, abuse or shouting. Try to keep your child away from any of these, whether from …
Health topics
… so they don't get sick and infect you. Do not smoke or allow others to smoke around you. Quitting smoking is the most … good. Avoid outdoor lung irritants such as air pollution. Try to stay inside with your windows closed when air … doors. Check flues and chimneys for cracks that could allow fumes into your house. Make sure wood stoves and gas …
Health topics
… the scalp. It leads to white flakes on the head, neck, and shoulders. What causes it? Dandruff is most often caused by … oily-looking flakes of dead skin in your hair and on your shoulders and an itchy, scaling scalp. Your scalp can be … Different shampoos contain different ingredients. Try several to help you find out which anti-dandruff shampoo …
Health topics
… you can take: Let children know that you expect them to try their best. Let them know that success is possible and … or cause that is meaningful for your children. This may allow your children to develop a deeper understanding or … or cause that is meaningful for your children. This may allow your children to develop a deeper understanding or …
Health topics
… But they want to feel like grownups. Often, the more you try to hold on to a childhood image of your children, the more independent they'll try to be. Adolescents also have a need to find their own … But they want to feel like grownups. Often, the more you try to hold on to a childhood image of your children, the …
Health topics
… three requests at the same time Use positive communication. Try to tell your toddler what to do instead of what not to … positive than, “Don’t ride on the street” For every “No,” try to offer two reasonable choices. “No, that paper is for …
Health topics
… may cause the right side of the heart to weaken. Blood backs up behind the left ventricle into the left atrium, in … which may not pump blood as well as normal. This allows blood to then back up farther into the extremities, the … is a narrowing of the pulmonic valve. It limits blood flow out of the right ventricle and increases the work of the …
Health topics
… for no obvious reason. Your child may also be able to hold back, or suppress, tics for a short time. Children may do … is watching for tics, such as a doctor. After holding back tics, most children will soon have a short period … for no obvious reason. Your child may also be able to hold back, or suppress, tics for a short time. Children may do …
Health topics
… the older child with the new adjustment: If your child goes back to baby-like behaviours, wetting his pants, wanting the crib back, or wanting to breast or bottle feed, just relax. This …
Health topics
… keep your blood pressure medicine from working the way it should. So if you have high blood pressure or other heart or … Decongestants, such as those that contain pseudoephedrine. Pain medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. … Decongestants, such as those that contain pseudoephedrine. Pain medicines (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen. …