2584 results found
Health topics
… hurting. They may feel scared, sad, guilty, or even angry about your condition. Talking about PTSD can help you and your family cope. Talk about your symptoms and what triggers them. Discuss different …
Health topics
… When plaque builds up in either one, it can limit blood flow to your brain. The plaque also raises your risk of stroke. This surgery may lower your risk of stroke. The doctor will make a cut … the doctor will make a cut in the carotid artery and take out the plaque. Next, the doctor will close the cut in the …
Health topics
… effects may be permanent. Researchers keep looking for the lowest radiation dose that effectively kills cancer cells. … that radiation is done. When it is given from a machine outside the body, it's called external beam radiation, or … ink marks that are used for your radiation. Avoid putting heating pads or cold packs or anything that is hot or cold on …
Health topics
… be able to prevent or delay problems from the disease. Treating the disease early may also make the disease easier to … healthy. Talk with your doctor whenever you have concerns about your health. How do you decide when to get a screening … you. You may also want to ask what further testing and follow-up will be needed if a screening test result shows a …
Health topics
… co-workers, and community groups all can help you. The following information also applies if you use other tobacco … a craving or just to talk things over. Talk with others about your fears. For example, many people are worried about … to track progress, learning stress reduction tricks, or allowing others to support you such as with text messaging or …
Health topics
… As you or a family member ages, you may have concerns about how to manage health problems. Most people would like to stay in their homes and have family members help them out. But this isn't always possible. You or a loved one may … they are planning their future or when they have concerns about their future health or their ability to live …
Health topics
… as an infection or a defect in the urinary tract , then treating the condition will usually stop the wetting. If it's … wetting is much less common than bedwetting. But about 1 out of 4 children who wet the bed at night also wet … able to pass much urine. Pain in the flank, which is just below the rib cage and above the waist on either side of the …
Health topics
… or loved one told you to be more active? Are you unsure about how to get started? If so, then you're in the right … you and your health condition(s), you may find the links below helpful. For more information on the benefits of … of charge or your health care provider(s). The resources below may also help you with deciding whether you are ready to …
Health topics
… isn't the same for all people. Many have mild symptoms and slowly get better over time. But some people may not recover. … injury such as a sprain. For some people, CRPS starts without an apparent reason. It isn't clear why some people get … weakness, or shaking in the painful arm or leg. Sweating, numbness, or tingling in the painful arm or leg. …
Health topics
… ask questions. And tell the doctor if you think that following the prescribed treatment will be hard for you. Have a … to the doctor alone. Teens may be more willing to talk about topics such as sexuality, mental health, and drugs or … called a "hospitalist." A hospitalist specializes in treating hospitalized patients and doesn't see patients …