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2875 results found
Health topics
… healthy eating and regular exercise. These can be hard changes to make. But you can help yourself succeed just by … yourself negative things—"I can't do this. Why bother?"—change will be harder. But if you encourage yourself with … your chance of success. With time and practice, you can change what you say to yourself. You can learn to think in a …
Health topics
… get it. What causes it? Dementia is caused by damage to or changes in the brain. Alzheimer's disease is the most common … and make tasks of daily living easier. You can help by making sure the person eats well. You can also help manage … Maintaining Good Nutrition Alzheimer's and Other Dementias: Making the Most of Remaining Abilities Care at the End of …
Health topics
… with when to take your medicine. Your doctor may be able to change your medicines or the times you take them. Talk with your doctor if you have any changes in your health that might affect your heart failure, … health products. Let your doctor know if you have any changes in your health that might affect your heart failure, …
Health topics
… including risks of developing certain diseases. Certain changes in genes or chromosomes may cause problems in … Tests often use a sample of cells or tissue to look for changes in genes, chromosomes, or proteins. These changes can be a sign of a disease or a sign of an increased …
Health topics
… will not demand enough and your body will respond by making less milk. Engorgement. Your breasts become hard from … switching back and forth between the bottle and the breast. Changes to a baby's gut. Formula also changes the lining of the baby's intestines. Human milk …
Health topics
… blocked, or private numbers. Watch what you do online. Change passwords to email and social media accounts. Always … your location on social media. Ask friends not to tag you. Change your address to a post office (P.O.) box. Make sure … Or you might have friends or family hold money for you. Change your emergency contacts at work and at your …
Health topics
… in several ways. Often a combination of these is best. Change position often. In a bed, change position every 2 … on preventing a pressure injury from getting worse and on making the skin healthy again. It may include: Taking … on preventing a pressure injury from getting worse and on making the skin healthy again. It may include: Taking …
Health topics
… of your child's need for routine and structure. Even small changes in a normal routine can upset your child. Warn your … going to the park. Use a timer to help your child expect a change in activities and to keep on task. Set a certain … rules and consequences. Be willing to talk about and make changes to these rules over time. Look ahead to see when …
Health topics
… makes the stomach smaller. Some types of surgery also change the connection between your stomach and intestines. … big step. After surgery, you'll need to make new, lifelong changes in how you eat and drink. What are the types of … weight-loss surgery is to make your stomach smaller or to change the path of your intestine, your doctor will perform …
Health topics
… eating habits and learn how to make lifelong positive changes to improve your health. Image Plan, shop and prepare …