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Health topics
… side effects. The most common ones include upset stomach, diarrhea, and belly pain. Antibiotics can also lead to … they may not work when you really do need them. Common but mild side effects of antibiotics include: Upset stomach. … after 10 days, even with home treatment. Your symptoms are severe, or you have other problems, such as pus forming in …
Health topics
… typically less common because they often result from more severe heart failure, when the body can no longer compensate … hands, and feet Light-headedness Sensation of dizziness or mild disorientation Brain Mental confusion Inability to … confusion. Light-headedness is a sensation of dizziness or mild disorientation. People with heart failure may also …
Health topics
… can last for months. In rare cases, a woman may have a severe form of depression called postpartum psychosis . This … with counselling and antidepressant medicines. Women with milder depression may get better with counselling alone. But … for a long time. Doctors recommend that people with moderate to severe postpartum depression combine counselling …
Health topics
… genital hygiene. Wash your vulva with plain water or a mild, unscented soap. Rinse well. After using the toilet, … better as expected. Watchful waiting If your symptoms are mild and you are sure they are caused by a vaginal yeast … Sometimes a menstrual period will relieve the symptoms of a mild yeast infection. If your symptoms continue, you can use …
Health topics
… angle of the spine is measured in degrees and describes how severe the curve is. (The angle is determined by the … measurement. For example, a 10-degree curve is considered a mild curve, and a 50-degree curve is considered a severe … measurement. For example, a 10-degree curve is considered a mild curve, and a 50-degree curve is considered a severe
Health topics
… call if: You passed out (lost consciousness). You have severe vaginal bleeding along with light-headedness or … to end the pregnancy. Tissue remaining in the uterus. Moderate to severe bleeding. Infection. Follow-up … to end the pregnancy. Tissue remaining in the uterus. Moderate to severe bleeding. Infection. Follow-up …
Health topics
… of JIA. Oligoarticular affects a few joints and is usually mild. Polyarticular affects more joints and is usually more severe. Systemic can be the most serious. This type can also … Problems walking. In some cases, these symptoms can be mild and hard for you to see. A young child may be more …
Health topics
… The main ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine. Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine (less than 400 mg a day) is … feel nervous or grouchy. And it can cause an upset stomach, diarrhea, and headaches. Alcohol Drinking energy drinks and … The main ingredient in energy drinks is caffeine. Consuming moderate amounts of caffeine (less than 400 mg a day) is …
Health topics
… recommend that adults accumulate at least 150 minutes of moderate- to vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity … This YouTube video describes the importance of doing moderate- to vigorous-intensity physical activity. Physical …
Health topics
… treated? Treatment for hyperparathyroidism depends on how mild or severe it is. It also depends on what you and your doctor … for you. Treatment options include: Watchful waiting. In mild cases, when there are no symptoms from high calcium and …