3593 results found
Health topics
… patient-controlled anesthesia, or PCA. Many people who have pain caused by a life-limiting illness are concerned … pain." Talk with your doctor about medicines you should have on hand to be prepared for breakthrough pain. … But depression lasting more than 2 weeks is not normal and should be reported to your doctor. Depression is treatable, …
Health topics
… meet PA guidelines. Individuals who had joint replacement surgery for hip or knee OA are less active than their … are safe, important for preserving joint health and can have numerous benefits including: Reduced joint pain and … This website provides brief step-by-step guides to help you have better quality conversations about physical activity …
Health topics
… using these treatments. If a few weeks of rest and rehab have not relieved pain, some people get cortisone (steroid) … other treatments don't work and you are not getting better, surgery might be an option. How can you prevent it? Golfer's … your activity. Be sure not to overuse your elbow. If you have pain or swelling in your elbow after an activity, ice …
Health topics
… breathing in smoke or fumes from a fire. Your breathing should return to normal within a short period of time, about … Were trapped in an enclosed space with smoke and fumes. Have soot around your nose or mouth. Have facial burns. Have … breathing in smoke or fumes from a fire. Your breathing should return to normal within a short period of time, about …
Health topics
… the emergency has passed. The question of how long you should plan for your supplies to last does not have an easy answer. It's impractical for most people to … the emergency has passed. The question of how long you should plan for your supplies to last does not have an easy …
Health topics
… detection and treatment for cancer means that more people have a better chance of being cured or living longer with … that all people with cancer, unless advised otherwise, should avoid being physically inactive. People with cancer should aim for at least: 30 minutes of moderate-intensity …
Health topics
… rate (THR / training heart rate) - The rate your heart should beat during exercise in order to get the most … heart rate. So to calculate your target heart rate, you have to first find out what your maximum heart rate is. To … if you’re a 60 year old woman, your target heart rate should be between 75 and 90 beats per minute during a light …
Health topics
… children, with evidence suggesting that children under two should not have any screen time outside of video chatting with loved … and which signs to watch for that could mean your child should see a health care provider. Encouraging language …
Health topics
… Put this mixture back into the syringe. Make sure you have the amount of glucagon that the person's doctor … Anytime a person who has diabetes gets glucagon, they should talk to a doctor to try to find out what caused the … dose. (Each device contains one dose.) Their blood sugar should be checked for several hours after glucagon is given. …
Health topics
… your child's diabetes is under control. Your province may have a care plan template that you can use. If not, you can … Include information about when your child's blood sugar should be checked before activity and the desired target … to let school staff know when to call 9-1-1 . The care plan should state that your child is allowed to: Use the …