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2356 results found
Health topics
… cancer. Then healthy parts of the colon or rectum are sewn back together. Bowel resection is done either by opening the … may make 1 or 2 of the small openings a little bigger to allow space to complete the procedure. If so, those scars will … is temporary, until the colon or rectum heals. If the lower part of the rectum has been removed, the colostomy is …
Health topics
… you and your health condition(s), you may find the links below helpful. For more information on the benefits of … of charge or your health care provider(s). The resources below may also help you with deciding whether you are ready to … fitness you kept over your break, making it easier to dive back into your physical activity routine.  Just like when …
Health topics
… in which you might have this stressful thought. Then allow yourself to focus on the thought. Stop the thought. … empty for about 30 seconds. If the upsetting thought comes back during that time, shout "Stop!" again. Instead of using … in which you might have this stressful thought. Then allow yourself to focus on the thought. Stop the thought. …
Health topics
… covering the liver and the area around it. It causes pain in the upper right belly. This syndrome happens when … abdominal cavity through the fallopian tubes . They then follow the flow of peritoneal fluid to the right upper belly, where they …
Health topics
… Aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve). Pain medicines, such as codeine. Seizure medicines. If a … Aspirin, ibuprofen (Advil, Motrin), and naproxen (Aleve). Pain medicines, such as codeine. Seizure medicines. If a …
Health topics
… a throbbing and prickling feeling, or a very intense, hot pain. The best treatment is to wash the area with soap and … a throbbing and prickling feeling, or a very intense, hot pain. The best treatment is to wash the area with soap and …
Health topics
… widely. So can the indicators. You may feel a brief sharp pain on one side of your lower abdomen, or notice an increase in vaginal discharge or … health professional to confirm the results and arrange follow-up care. … Ovulation and fertility for pregnancy planning …
Health topics
… no symptoms. Or you could have minor spinal stiffness and pain. Over time your spine will stiffen and your vertebrae … no symptoms. Or you could have minor spinal stiffness and pain. Over time your spine will stiffen and your vertebrae …
Health topics
… arterial disease of the legs. In Leriche's syndrome, blood flow in the aorta is blocked in the stomach area. This blocks blood flow to the legs. In men, blood flow to the penis is also … The following symptoms happen: Leg weakness or numbness. Pain in the thighs, hips, and buttocks ( intermittent …
Health topics
… syndrome can interfere with normal joint function and cause pain when the thickened plica rubs over other structures in … syndrome can interfere with normal joint function and cause pain when the thickened plica rubs over other structures in …