3586 results found
Health topics
… . This means you can't feel the area of the surgery. You'll have medicine that makes you unaware and lightly asleep. Or … finish rehab to keep your new knee flexible and strong. You should be able to walk, swim, dance, and ride a bike on flat ground. But you may not be able to run, and you should ask your doctor about riding a bike up steep hills. …
Health topics
… and sore for the first few weeks after surgery. You may have some brief, sharp pains on either side of your chest. Your chest, shoulders, and upper back may ache. The incision in your … return to normal. If you had symptoms before surgery, you should feel better than before you had the surgery. For …
Health topics
… the symptoms? If your hip is broken, you will most likely: Have severe pain in your hip or lower groin area. Not be … These symptoms are most common after a fall. But if you have very thin bones from osteoporosis or another problem, … use X-rays to diagnose a broken hip. You may need another test if your doctor thinks that you have a fracture but …
Health topics
… good way to provide the benefits of breastfeeding when you have to be away from your baby. Pumping will help keep up … Position the breast shield over your breast. Your nipple should be right in the middle of the shield. You may need to … are empty. You will feel a tugging while pumping, but it shouldn't be painful. If it hurts, stop pumping. Change the …
Health topics
… lupus flare or are taking corticosteroid medicines, you may have irregular menstrual cycles. This can make it hard to plan a pregnancy. If you plan to have a baby or are already pregnant, it's very important … includes premature birth and stillbirth. This risk is greatest among women who have kidney problems or …
Health topics
… On this page: Overview Overview If you have narrow drainage angles or you have long-term (chronic) … Talk with your eye specialist about medicines that you should not take. Glaucoma Prevent … Talk with your eye specialist about medicines that you should not take. Glaucoma Prevent …
Health topics
… way to get them more physically active. Multiple studies have determined that exercise and physical activity are safe … Persons with certain cardiovascular conditions should also be counselled to NOT participate in unsupervised … demand for clients taking these medications. Clients should be counselled to track their blood pressure if this …
Health topics
… knows that sleep is important. Without it, you don't have the energy to get through your day. But sleep problems … Sleep Patterns as You Get Older Improving Sleep When You Have Chronic Pain Insomnia Insomnia: Improving Your Sleep … Breathing Devices for Sleep Apnea and Snoring Sleep Apnea: Should I Have a Sleep Study? Snoring Snoring and Obstructive …
Health topics
… teenagers, and young adults than infectious disease, cancer, or birth defects. There is no single explanation for … teens. Talk to your teen about the effect a group can have on his or her life. Peers have a strong impact on a … teenagers, and young adults than infectious disease, cancer, or birth defects. There is no single explanation for …
Health topics
… health plan's website or a local hospital's website may have programs you can use for free to do this. And your … For example, you can type in results of blood pressure tests you do at home. And when you see your doctor for a … health plan's website or a local hospital's website may have programs you can use for free to do this. And your …