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Health topics
… nervous system is involved. They also depend on what's causing the problem. These problems may occur slowly and cause … normal to feel a little confused, weak, or light-headed when you first wake up or come to. But unless something else … care. Call 9-1-1 or other emergency services now. Sometimes people don't want to call 9-1-1 . They may think that …
Health topics
… the past. There are two main ways that radiation is done. When it is given from a machine outside the body, it's … therapy. And you should check with your doctor before using any deodorants, lotions, or creams on the treated … friend can help you keep a routine. Be patient. It can take time to fully recover. Balancing rest with activity is …
Health topics
… rare in children younger than 2. Motion sickness is sometimes called airsickness, seasickness, or carsickness. What causes it? You get motion sickness when one part of your balance-sensing system (your inner … odours and spicy foods. In a car To avoid motion sickness when you travel by car: Sit in the front seat. Don't read or …
Health topics
… and breathing into their mouth. It's used in emergencies when someone's heart stops beating or when someone is not … on the baby's breastbone just below that line. If you are using your thumbs, use your fingers to encircle the baby's … Give 100 to 120 chest compressions a minute (about 2 times a second). If it helps, push to the beat of a song …
Health topics
… and balance. It normally occurs in only one ear at a time. But over time, it develops in the other ear in up to … your past health and your symptoms, such as: How you feel when you have a vertigo attack. How long an attack usually … This can help the doctor find where the problem is that's causing vertigo. Imaging tests such as an MRI or CT scan of …
Health topics
… belly. Your own kidneys are not taken out unless they're causing problems. The doctor then connects the blood vessels … staples. The incision will leave a scar that will fade with time. You need only one healthy kidney to live. The new … diseased kidney can no longer do. Kidney transplant is used when you have severe chronic kidney disease (renal failure) …
Health topics
… condition isn't the same thing as a food allergy to milk. When lactose moves through the large intestine (colon) … problems. What causes it? Lactose intolerance occurs when the small intestine doesn't make enough of an enzyme … body needs lactase to break down, or digest, lactose. Sometimes the small intestine stops making lactase after a …
Health topics
… water. Near-drownings and drownings can happen during bath time, in pools or hot tubs or around larger bodies of water … animals Learn how to keep your child safe and healthy when they’re interacting with pets and other animals: Child … free from harm and the threat of harm. Everyone who spends time with children shares a responsibility to keep them …
Health topics
… is the most common symptom. Pain in the jaw, especially when you chew. Vision problems such as double vision or … in a day or two after you start the medicine. Most of the time, symptoms improve quickly and go away 2 to 4 weeks … problem. How can you care for yourself during treatment? When you are being treated with steroids: Make sure you get …
Health topics
… tired, too hot or cold, or need a diaper change. Over time, you'll learn the difference in your baby's cries. Then … and the crying will usually stop. Some babies have a fussy time of day. This is often in the late afternoon to early … tired, too hot or cold, or need a diaper change. Over time, you'll learn the difference in your baby's cries. Then …