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Health topics
… a wound, cut, splinter, or burn. The bacteria grow best when they are not around oxygen. The deeper and narrower the … symptoms? Tetanus symptoms appear slowly and get worse over time. The time it takes for symptoms to appear after a cut … a wound, cut, splinter, or burn. The bacteria grow best when they are not around oxygen. The deeper and narrower the …
Health topics
… scar could come open during labour. This is very rare. But when it does happen, it can be very serious for both the … Birth After a Past C-Section (VBAC)? As with a first-time childbirth, even if you are a good candidate for a … expect during labour and delivery. How to manage the birth using controlled breathing and emotional and physical …
Health topics
… But the whole procedure may take a few hours. That includes time to recover. Abnormal heart rhythms sometimes come back … an emergency procedure to stop a fast heart rate that is causing low blood pressure or severe symptoms. These heart … how long you have had atrial fibrillation, what is causing it, and if you have another heart problem. If you take …
Health topics
… these changes all at once. Start with small steps. Over time, making a number of small changes can add up to a big … added sugar . Limit drinks and foods with added sugar. When you are eating away from home, try to follow these … added sugar . Limit drinks and foods with added sugar. When you are eating away from home, try to follow these …
Health topics
… torn piece of tongue If a piece of tongue rips or tears off when it's removed from the metal, here are steps to follow: … torn piece of tongue If a piece of tongue rips or tears off when it's removed from the metal, here are steps to follow: …
Health topics
… to make . Keep in mind that you as an individual choose when, how much, or if at all, to include physical activity … your physical activity. Remember to be honest with yourself when answering the questions in the resources below – your … think first about what physical activities you enjoy, what times of day you can be active, and what supports you have …
Health topics
… Overview Pain in an SCI can be complicated and confusing. You may feel pain where you have feeling. But you may … you have no feeling. The pain may be severe at some times. But at other times it may disappear or bother you … can't move or can only partially move. The pain is caused when muscles and joints are strained. Visceral pain Visceral …
Health topics
… non-prescription medicines, alcohol, or caffeine are causing your headache. Try limiting the use of these to see if … Talk to your doctor about any alternative therapies you are using. Rebound headache is a type of chronic headache that … headaches. A pain medicine may work for a limited period of time, but as the effect wears off, the headache returns, …
Health topics
… you feel relaxed and comfortable during a procedure. Sometimes it's used to help with pain. Sedation may be used with … do you prepare? Your doctor will tell you what to expect when you have sedation. You'll get instructions to help you prepare. They'll include when to stop eating or drinking. If you take medicine, …
Health topics
… too soon. If you cannot avoid them early on, be cautious when they are present. Identify areas and activities where you are least likely to smoke, and use them when you have the urge to smoke. Add these alternatives to … before you will notice that you can breathe more easily when you walk, jog, swim, or ride a bike. For tips on …