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HealthLinkBC files
… or pool is used, the faster the disinfectant in the water gets used up. Before and after use, you should check the … time. Have a clock visible nearby to keep track of time. Get out right away if you feel dizzy, faint, have a rapid … hazards Pool and hot tub users are always at risk of getting trapped underwater by the suction from an outlet …
HealthLinkBC files
… explains what to do in case of an allergic reaction. To get a blank copy of an Anaphylaxis Emergency Plan, visit … not leave your child alone If your child’s symptoms do not get better or get worse, give a second dose of epinephrine as soon as 5 …
HealthLinkBC files
… contains combustion by-products. These by-products can also get inside your home from car exhaust coming in through a … but levels can be monitored to ensure enough fresh air gets into a room or building Although carbon dioxide and … and some gases have no odour Make sure enough fresh air gets into your home from the outdoors, especially when using …
HealthLinkBC files
… nausea vomiting shortness of breath If the disease gets worse, fluid builds up in your lungs, making it harder … at risk? Certain activities may put you at a higher risk of getting infected with HPS, such as cleaning unused … water, after dead mice have been removed. Stop mice from getting in your home Reduce the amount of rodent shelter, …
HealthLinkBC files
… heat over 31C for long periods can be dangerous. If it gets very hot in your home, plan to go somewhere cooler if … temperatures over 31°C for long periods can be dangerous Get a digital room thermometer to help know when your home is getting too hot If you do not have an air-conditioned space …
HealthLinkBC files
… us of the hazards of drinking raw milk. Who is at risk of getting sick? Anyone can get sick from pathogens that may be found in raw milk. … are more vulnerable to infection and have higher risk of getting sick from drinking raw milk due to having weaker or …
HealthLinkBC files
… or bodies of water. For example, air pollution can get trapped in mountain valleys, especially when … health effects because they can remain in the air longer, get deeper into your lungs and may even get into your bloodstream. Fine particles that have a …
HealthLinkBC files
… patterns such as Canada’s food guide include a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods. These … your plate as a guide. Aim to fill: Half your plate with vegetables and fruits Fresh, cooked, frozen and low sodium … as roasted, steamed, braised or stir fried Keep cut-up vegetables in the fridge or a bowl of fruit on the counter so …
HealthLinkBC files
… Shaken baby injuries often occur when a parent or caregiver gets frustrated, angry or upset because they are unable to … crying. Let them know that you will be happy to come and get the baby if the crying is too much for them. Do not … important thing to remember is that you and your baby will get through this increased crying stage and more smiles and …
HealthLinkBC files
… When wildfire affects the surrounding trees, soil and vegetation, water quality may decline. During a wildfire, it's … where it lands. The amount of fire retardant or foams that get into drinking water sources is very small, and levels drop quickly over time. Foams typically get burned-off when used on open flames, making it unlikely …