146 results found
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… Vietnamese What is an allergy safe adult care facility? Food allergy affects about 3 to 4 adults out of every 100. … facilities cannot be expected to be completely free of the foods that cause allergic reactions, facilities should make … who buy, store, prepare and serve food: Have a complete list of foods that cause allergic reactions among residents …
HealthLinkBC files
… Have congestive heart failure Have insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus Have inflammatory bowel disease What is … movements resulting from eating or drinking contaminated foods or liquids. Symptoms may include nausea, vomiting, … to 4 days. The most common cause of traveller’s diarrhea is food or water contaminated with bacteria called …
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… or caregiver, you can help your child learn important food skills and eating habits. You can also help shape positive attitudes towards food and eating. Healthy eating is about more than just what … on enjoying time together. It will also help your child listen to their body to know when they are full. Be aware of …
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… and how is it caused? Botulism is a serious form of food poisoning that can cause death. The poison is produced … fruits and vegetables, on meat and fish, and on many other foods and surfaces. Botulism bacteria can multiply quickly … are different methods of canning for high-acid and low-acid foods. High-acid foods Use the “boiling water bath” method …
HealthLinkBC files
… amounts of calcium include the total intake from food and any supplements. Age Aim for 0-6 months 200 mg 6-12 … *Including those who are pregnant or breastfeeding Which foods contain calcium? Foods that are high in calcium include: Milk and dairy …
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… to the fats and oils found naturally in animal and plant foods, and those used in cooking, at the table, and added to processed foods. Dietary fat is made up of fatty acids. There are two … nerve function. Fats and oils add flavour and texture to foods and make you feel full longer. The type of fat you eat …
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… or regional district. What precautions should be taken for food safety? When food and food-contact surfaces (drawers, shelves, cutting boards and …
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… destination, try to eat and sleep according to local time Food and water safety in developing countries Eat foods that are well cooked and served hot. Avoid foods that are served at room temperature. Do not eat food …
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… and strong as you age. Eating a variety of nutritious foods and beverages each day helps to: Keep your bones and … conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and diabetes Healthy eating is about the foods you eat and more. It’s about preparing and enjoying …
HealthLinkBC files
… bits of infected stool get into another person’s mouth, food or water. Exposure to infected stool can occur in day care settings, through contaminated food and water, or through certain types of sexual contact. … using the bathroom or changing a diaper, and then preparing food and drinks or caring for other children. Family members …