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HealthLinkBC files
… such as irons, space heaters, and bottle warmers How can burns be prevented? Burns and scalds are …
HealthLinkBC files
… safe textures, when to introduce common food allergens, how much food to offer and more. Some of the food examples … nutrition facts table to see if vitamin D has been added. How can I make sure my child gets all key nutrients?  Be …
HealthLinkBC files
… and transmit the virus. Some of these are present in B.C. However, the number of mosquitos infected with WNV in B.C. … risk of WNV infection in people in B.C. is considered low. How can I protect myself? Any activity that prevents … me? The risk of infection from handling birds is very low; however, you should not use your bare hands to handle wild …
HealthLinkBC files
… skin rash and possible upper respiratory tract symptoms. How is the spongy moth population controlled in B.C.? The … area, making the area size appear larger than it is; however, no spraying occurs outside of the delineated … health effects and allergic-type reactions. Results show no increase in adverse illnesses reported by health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… growth and development, including brain development.  How can I make sure my child has enough iron? Introduce …
HealthLinkBC files
… water be unsafe? Your well water may taste and look fine, however, there can be many harmful substances that you … consider testing for a broader combination of chemicals. How do I get my well water tested? Your water should be … if there is a problem with the water. What if the tests show possible contamination? If contamination is detected …
HealthLinkBC files
… wonderful companions and help keep us healthy and active. However, like people, they can become infected with … steroid therapy or organ or bone marrow transplant. How can I prevent infections? Your personal hygiene and … veterinarian right away if your pet becomes less active or shows signs of illness such as loss of appetite, a change in …
HealthLinkBC files
… depends on the type of fuel and the combustion appliance. How the appliance is designed, built, installed and … dizziness, impaired vision and confusion If you have heart disease, it may cause chest pain High levels of carbon … remove particles from the air. They vary in their cost and how well they work. No air cleaners will remove all …
HealthLinkBC files
… Document Vietnamese Certain foods and beverages can affect how your warfarin works. This handout will help you to plan your diet when … can form in the body and block blood flow. This can cause heart attack, stroke, deep vein thrombosis and other serious …
HealthLinkBC files
… sodium can increase the risk of high blood pressure and heart disease. Most Canadians eat too much sodium. The main … foods lower in sodium. The percent daily value (%DV) shows you if the food has a little or a lot of sodium. 5% DV … fat with healthier fats can help reduce the risk of heart disease. Choose foods with healthy fats such as: Fatty …