227 results found
HealthLinkBC files
… short term and long-term health effects. How does arsenic get into drinking water? Arsenic can get into drinking water … and select an appropriate treatment device. The device should be certified for the removal of arsenic. For a list … Council of Canada (SCC) accredited. The treatment device should meet the following standards: NSF/ANSI Standard 62 on …
HealthLinkBC files
… rarely, it can also infect the blood stream. When a person gets sick from this infection it is called … suck their thumbs or put their hands in their mouths What should I do if I become infected with Campylobacter ? If you … with diarrhea who cannot control their bowel movements should not go to work or school. If you are a food handler, …
HealthLinkBC files
… Pediatric Society against their use. Parents and caregivers should be aware of the risks and side effects. If you choose … digestive problems and dehydration Drinking enough water, getting adequate sleep, and having regular meals and snacks … of certain vitamins and minerals can harm health. Who should avoid energy drinks? Children, teens, people who are …
HealthLinkBC files
… liquid mixture. It’s made of propylene glycol, glycerol (vegetable glycerin) and other chemicals. Flavouring … cause harm to a person’s health. People who do not smoke should avoid vaping. However, for current smokers who are … is not recommended, so once you’ve made the switch, you should plan to gradually reduce or quit vaping. Smoking and …
HealthLinkBC files
… can help you make healthier choices more often. What foods should I eat? Healthy eating patterns such as Canada’s food guide include a variety of vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods. These … dried beans, peas and lentils, and nuts and seeds. What should I drink? Water is the best choice to quench your …
HealthLinkBC files
… face or your face People with weakened immune systems should discuss the risk of disease with their healthcare provider before getting a pet For more information on hand washing, see … of Germs . Your pet's hygiene and health: All new pets should be examined by a veterinarian who may run some tests …
HealthLinkBC files
… that is commonly found in soil, on raw fruits and vegetables, on meat and fish, and on many other foods and … such as vegetables, meats and seafood. Your pressure canner should come with complete instructions. Always follow them … the cooking step Both weighted gauges and dial gauges should be checked for accuracy. Read the manufacturer’s …
HealthLinkBC files
… is one of the building blocks of strong bones and teeth. Getting enough calcium early in life helps build strong bones. Getting enough calcium later in life helps keep bones strong … vitamin D helps your body better absorb calcium from foods. Should I take a supplement? Use the food sources table below …
HealthLinkBC files
… effects of second-hand tobacco smoke and vapour . Also, getting your child immunized helps prevent illnesses that … Says more words every month Starts to put 2 words together 2 to 3 years old Follows 2 requests at a time, such … Files: HealthLinkBC File #50a Your Baby’s Immune System and Vaccines HealthLinkBC File #50b The Benefits of Immunizing …
HealthLinkBC files
… may cry a lot and nothing seems to satisfy them for long. Getting enough sleep can also be a concern for parents. Over … a home that is smoke free At the right temperature (babies should be cozy and warm, but not too hot) Breastfeeding has … For My Baby (PDF 2132 KB) for more information. How can I get my baby to sleep? For the first few months, your baby …