233 results found
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… dental floss, razors, nail files or other items which could have tiny amounts of blood on them From a pregnant person to … share personal care items that may have blood on them What should I do if I prick myself with a used needle? Follow … patients are cured of HCV. If you have chronic HCV, you should see your health care provider regularly. During these …
HealthLinkBC files
… babies. If a pregnant woman contracts rubella, she may have a miscarriage or stillbirth. Her baby may be born with … (you have not had the disease or been immunized), you should get the MMR vaccine, and then wait 1 month before … as part of your prenatal care. If you are not immune, you should be immunized after your pregnancy, preferably before …
HealthLinkBC files
… White Nose Syndrome. Some bats with rabies may appear to behave totally normally. Some of the signs described above may have other causes including other illnesses, self-protection, heat, stress, hunger and becoming accustomed to humans. What should I do if I have been exposed to rabies? If a bat or …
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… from 2 to 4 weeks or longer. Often you can be infected and have no symptoms. In some cases, symptoms can return after … Prolonged and/or severe infection can result in reactive arthritis and damage to the cells lining the intestinal … treatment with anti-parasitic medication is necessary. What should I do if I become infected with Giardia ? If you have …
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… system Prevent chronic disease and illness Manage health conditions like high blood pressure, high cholesterol and … can help you make healthier choices more often. What foods should I eat? Healthy eating patterns such as Canada’s food … for healthy bones, muscles and nerves and helps prevent osteoporosis. Women over the age of 50 and men over the age …
HealthLinkBC files
… Who should get the vaccine? Influenza vaccines are available at … of age Children 5 to 17 years of age with certain medical conditions, including: Heart or lung disorders that require … need 1 dose of vaccine. Children 2 to 8 years of age who have never received an influenza vaccine need 2 doses given …
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… it may be to correct issues of ocular development. Should my child have a vision test? All children should have a comprehensive … especially if you notice any concerns. Some conditions can result in permanent vision damage if they are …
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… Fortified foods, also called enriched foods, are foods that have specific nutrients added to them. Why is folate … with 400 mcg (0.4 mg) of folic acid every day. What should I look for when choosing a multivitamin with folic … by NTDs You have diabetes, obesity, gastrointestinal conditions such as Crohn's or Celiac disease, gastric bypass …
HealthLinkBC files
… . Who should get the vaccine? The influenza vaccine is available … medical condition Children and adults with certain medical conditions, including: Heart or lung disorders that require … care settings, including long-term care facilities, who have contact with patients Visitors to health care …
HealthLinkBC files
… with age. About 65 percent of people over the age of 70 have hearing problems. People over the age of 60 should schedule routine hearing tests every 2 years. If … when you were born due to genetics or other factors or conditions. It can be hereditary (genetic) or it can be the …