230 results found
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… eyes Sunken soft spot on the head (if 18 months or younger) Keep in mind that infants and young children may not show … young children during extreme heat For more information on keeping children cool visit: … living/keep-children-cool-extreme-heat/extreme-heat-brochure-keep-children-cool-en.pdf . Heat-related Series Heat-related …
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… it on the forehead You should only need 1 drop at a time Keep your eye drops in the fridge, so the coolness will let … is reaching the eyeball After the drop has been put in, keep the eyelid closed for 1 to 2 minutes without blinking. …
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… clothing and cotton underwear Soak in warm water baths Keep the infected area dry, e.g., use a blow dryer on a cool … in a clean cloth, to sores Drink plenty of fluids to keep urine diluted (to decrease the pain when urinating). If … (e.g., tanning beds) Drinking excessive amounts of alcohol Having a weakened immune system (e.g., chemotherapy, HIV) A …
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… on your property. 1. Eliminate food and water sources: Keep all garbage in pest proof containers with tight fitting … when not in use 2. Eliminate hiding and living places: Keep building perimeters clear of plantings, stored lumber …
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… lid along with a cotton ball dampened with water to keep it alive. Do not use rubbing alcohol or any other … can carry diseases, you will be provided instructions to keep the tick in a freezer for 30 days and monitor for signs …
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… of nutritious foods and beverages each day helps to: Keep your bones and muscles strong Build a healthy immune … ways, such as roasted, steamed, braised or stir fried Keep cut-up vegetables in the fridge or a bowl of fruit on … increase the amount of fibre you eat, drink enough fluid to keep your bowel movements soft. A type of fibre called …
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… Burp your baby after feeding Check your baby's diaper. Keep your baby clean and dry Wrap your baby in a soft blanket Keep your baby warm and comfortable – but not too hot Do not … Relax by doing self-comforting activities such as reading, having a cup of tea, or taking a shower, then go back and …
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… blood pressure. Within one year of quitting, your risk of having a smoking-related heart attack decreases by half. 10 … make a list of the reasons you want to quit smoking. Keep the list handy as a reminder. 2. Pick your quit day … to learn what works for you and what does not, and keep trying. How can I quit smoking? Quitting can be …
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… that can make us sick. This also allows the juice to keep longer as it destroys many of the microbes that can …
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… baby back to sleep. If you do feed your baby in the night, keep the room dark and quiet. Don’t stimulate your baby by … sleep habits? Children do well with a familiar schedule. By having a predictable day and a regular bedtime routine, you … putting them into bed while they are sleepy but still awake Keep the sleeping area quiet, and check on them regularly …