38 results found
Healthy eating
… Vietnamese A peptic ulcer is a sore on the lining of your stomach or small intestine. Peptic ulcers include … common symptom of a peptic ulcer is a dull, burning pain in your stomach. Other symptoms may include bloating, burping, … food has been shown to cause ulcers, but some may make your symptoms worse or may make it more difficult for your …
Healthy eating
… are small hard crystals that can form in one or both of your kidneys. They can form when you have high amounts of calcium, oxalate, phosphate or uric acid in your urine. There are different types of kidney stones. This … advice about how to eat can be a bit different. Talk with your health care provider if you are unsure. Over half of …
Healthy eating
… than this. To decrease the risk of chronic disease, limit your intake to below 2300mg. Planning ahead can help you decrease the amount of sodium in your diet. Use the information in this handout to make lower … smoked salt, and Himalayan salt are high in sodium. Flavour your foods without adding salt: Add extra amounts of garlic, …
Healthy eating
… vending machines, school stores and at school events Voice your opinion. Participate in events such as taste testing of … available in the schools and at events Raise awareness in your school about the impacts of marketing unhealthy food … of the Guidelines in all school food venues Assess your school. See where students may be exposed to marketing …
Healthy eating
… per week and increase the number as you are able. Circle your friends and family around healthy foods as often as you … decide what meal you are going to eat together, mark it on your calendar like you would any other event. If you have a … simple and familiar recipes. This will help you enjoy your time together instead of trying to figure out the next …
Healthy eating
… Food sensitivity is a general term. It can be used for many conditions that can cause symptoms after eating certain … training in immunology and the diagnosis and treatment of conditions that affect the immune system. They have advanced … You may be asked to stop taking some medications before your visit. Ask the allergist’s clinic for a list of …
Healthy eating
… cardamom, cumin, paprika and more. Being a hot shot. Give your dish some heat with crushed chili pepper. Adding tang … This information is not meant to replace advice from your medical doctor or individual counseling with a …
Healthy eating
… prevention eating guidelines When it comes to lowering your risk of getting cancer, there are some things you can’t … than many other foods. Eating mostly plant foods to meet your nutrient needs can satisfy your hunger while making it easier to stay at a healthy …
Healthy eating
… medications you may need to limit the amount of potassium your diet. Speak to your health care provider for advice on how much potassium … content of foods can help you make choices that fit your needs. Use the table below to find out the amount of …
Healthy eating
… Punjabi Document Spanish Document Vietnamese Introduction Your liver produces bile that helps you digest and absorb … The gallbladder stores this bile and releases it into your intestine when you eat. Particles in the bile, usually … you plan well-balanced, healthy meals and snacks. Unless your doctor gives you different advice, you can follow the …