10 results found
Healthy eating
… wrists, ankles, feet, and on the inside folds of their elbows and knees. What causes eczema? Some children are more … places, such as on the cheeks of young babies or elbow creases of older children. The places on the skin … how much of the medication to apply, so you do not use too little or too much. Some doctors recommend applying a layer …
Healthy eating
… from scratch using less processed ingredients that have little to no added sodium. Great choices include: Vegetables … on the nutrition facts table tells you if a food has “a little” or “a lot” of sodium. 5% DV or less is "a little" and 15% DV or more is "a lot". The % DV helps you to …
Healthy eating
… The percent daily value (%DV) shows you if the food has a little or a lot of sodium. 5% DV or less is a little and 15% DV or more is a lot. You can also use it to … more often using less processed ingredients that have little to no added sodium. Flavour your food without salt. …
Healthy eating
… 1 medium 0 Fresh and most frozen vegetables contain very little sodium. All fruit including fresh, frozen, dried and … Fresh and unprocessed frozen meat, poultry and fish contain little sodium. Legumes, nuts and seeds Beans, baked, plain, … nuts and seeds and 100% natural nut and seed butter contain little sodium. Milk, yogurt and cheese Processed cheese …
Healthy eating
… menus and serve BC products as often as possible. Add little or no salt. 'A little' added salt is: 1 serving 10 servings 25 servings 50 …
Healthy eating
… The percent daily value (%DV) shows you if the food has a little or a lot of sodium. 5% DV or less is a little. 15% DV or more is a lot. Cook from scratch more …
Healthy eating
… the school cafeteria. This will promote good nutrition with little to no effort or cost. Make Sell Most and Sell items …
Healthy eating
… oats and bran cereals. Add higher fibre foods slowly and a little at a time. Adding too much fibre all at once can …
Healthy eating
… or lower fat cheese (less than 20% M.F.). These foods have little to no purines and may help lower uric acid levels and …
Healthy eating
… works for you. Some people find that either too much or too little fibre can make their symptoms worse. If you eat a …