37 results found
Healthy eating
Guidelines for food beverage sales Stock vending machines and stores with healthy food and beverages
… Document French On this page: Introduction Your actions can support healthy eating Promote the Guidelines through … plan Where can we find out more? Introduction To help stock your vending machine or store with healthy food … vending machine and school store sales. Your actions can support healthy eating Consult with students to select …
Healthy eating
… healthy hydration Provide healthy meals and snacks Act to support healthy eating Where can we find out more? Provide … Water is the best choice to satisfy thirst. Good hydration helps students feel energetic and alert. Provide healthy … bar with milk or plain yogurt ½ bagel with cheese Act to support healthy eating Involve students in choosing which …
Healthy eating
… French On this page: Introduction Plan healthy menus Act to support healthy eating Showcase the great taste of healthier … fats Lean meats and poultry Water to quench thirst Act to support healthy eating Score freshly made food using the … been scored. Consult with students to do taste testing and help select food they enjoy. Offer Sell Most items at lower …
Healthy eating
… at competitive prices: Let people know that your school supports healthy eating. Consider doing a survey to see what … non-food items for sale and as prizes at events. Act to support healthy eating: Form a fundraising team with at … of the following groups: administrators, teachers, parents, support staff and students to share the workload for …
Healthy eating
… apples, berries, rhubarb and zucchini) for freshness and to support local BC food producers. Keep portion sizes … Recipes and Tips for Healthier Baked Goods , pg 5. Act to support healthy eating: Ensure that everyone bringing food …
Healthy eating
… Sometimes items with popular Sell Sometimes items. Act to support healthy eating: A few examples of healthier food and …
Healthy eating
… strength, and energy. Good nutrition also promotes healing, supports immune function, and helps you feel your best. This handout provides general … a good sign that you are getting the calories you need to support your health. You may need to choose foods that are …
Healthy eating
… allergy is diagnosed and the tests that are available to help. IgE antibody triggered food allergy is the most common … allergist when a more detailed assessment would be helpful. There are three main steps an allergist will use to … guidance to help the person meet their nutrition needs and support meal planning for the trial. Whether and how each …
Healthy eating
… doctor can refer your child to a pediatric allergist if help with a diagnosis and a treatment plan are needed. If … to keeping eczema under good control. Good control might help prevent food allergy. This is especially good news for … risk for food allergy. How can good eczema control help prevent food allergy? Since healthy skin acts as a …
Healthy eating
… to eating with others. Here are some tips and strategies to help you get started. Schedule time to eat together Eating … you have a plan, it is more likely to happen. Everyone can help plan & prepare meals Eating together is more likely to happen when everyone helps. Involve kids of all ages in planning, shopping for …