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37 results found
Healthy eating
… Introduction It is easier to get a food-borne illness when you are pregnant. Following general food safety … after handling food in the kitchen, especially raw foods, using either: a kitchen sanitizer (follow directions on … and poultry. You can check that they are fully cooked by using a food thermometer. For a list of safe cooking …
Healthy eating
… changed to vitamin A in the body. These are best absorbed when eaten with a small amount of fat. Flavonoids include … seeds. Prepare meatless meals often. Try different recipes using nuts, seeds, tofu and other soy foods, legumes, fish … may have anti-inflammatory properties. Rather than focusing on single foods and nutrients, it is best to follow a …
Healthy eating
… Sell Most at lower prices than those that score as Sell Sometimes . Replace white flour with whole grain flour in … as beverages and use lower-fat milk products as ingredients when preparing food. Meat and Alternatives: Use lean whole … Act to support healthy eating Score freshly made food using the Checklist . Adapt favorite recipes to make food …
Healthy eating
… activity and play. Make water accessible to students at all times. Offer  at least 50%  of fluids from the  Sell Most  … soy beverage. Offer  up to 50%  of fluids as  Sell Sometimes  beverage category options such as 100% fruit and … options from the Sell Most and the rest from the Sell Sometimes categories. Make food labels available and visible so …
Healthy eating
… French Use healthier recipes Score homemade recipes using the Checklist . Sell freshly made food and beverages … ). Look for recipes that can include fruits and vegetables when they are in season (such as apples, berries, rhubarb … parents, teachers and students to promote healthier recipes using resources such as Bake Better Bites and Tips and …
Healthy eating
… eating a variety of nutritious whole foods rather than focusing on single foods or nutrients. Is the information on … website current? Reliable websites will include the date of when a webpage was written and be regularly updated to … Don’t rely only on the information you find on the internet when making a decision about your diet or health. Share the …
Healthy eating
… day. You may need to lower your fibre intake for a short time to help manage a medical condition. Low fibre diets …
Healthy eating
… you eat while pregnant will help your baby store enough for when she is born. To meet your calcium needs , include 2 … Herbal supplements are not recommended during pregnancy. When limited to 3 cups per day, the following herbs taken as …
Healthy eating
… day for good health. Vitamin K helps your blood to clot when you are bleeding. People who take warfarin (Coumadin®) …
Healthy eating
… the food and beverage products as  Sell Most , Sell Sometimes and Do Not Sell , use the Nutrient Criteria in the … come from the Sell Most and up to 50% from the Sell Sometimes categories. Develop an implementation plan to apply … vending machines and stores. Provide regular updates (e.g. using notices or newsletters). Work with vendors to meet the …