5435 results found
Health topics
… six months. By the time your toddler is 36 months, they should have 20 teeth - 10 on the top and 10 on the bottom. … toddler’s appearance Image Visiting the dentist Be sure to take your toddler to the dentist regularly. The Canadian …
Medical tests
… time (PTT) is a blood test that measures the time it takes your blood to clot. A PTT test can be used to check … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The …
Health topics
… a good idea to write down the questions you want to ask and take the list to your doctor visits. And it can help to have … individual counselling. Your health care team. Your team should be supportive. Be open and honest about your fears … individual counselling. Your health care team. Your team should be supportive. Be open and honest about your fears …
Health topics
… cases of mild diarrhea can be treated at home. Your baby should be taking in enough fluids and nutrients, peeing … May be sweaty May be extra thirsty The most common way to take a baby’s temperature is under the armpit. The most accurate way to take a temperature is in the bum (rectal method), but only …
Health topics
… A fistula connects an artery to a vein in your arm. It may take several months to form. A graft is a small tube that … session will be recorded, as will the length of time it takes to complete the dialysis session. If you have … may be used when fluid and electrolyte problems are causing severe symptoms or other problems. Some people who develop …
Health topics
… decisions about your health. Some people decide to take extra steps to prevent breast and ovarian cancer. They … sure. Breast Cancer Breast Cancer Risk: Should I Have a BRCA Gene Test? Functional Ovarian Cysts Ovarian Cancer Ovarian Cancer: Should I Have My Ovaries Removed to Prevent Ovarian Cancer? …
Health topics
… whether you are ready to be more physically active, and Take steps toward changing your physical activity level. Expand all Collapse all Why should I change my level of physical activity? Deciding to … and therefore will continue to do. This doesn't mean you should shy away from activities you've never done before – …
Health topics
… can be caused by many things. It can happen if you don't take enough insulin. It can also happen if you have an … can be caused by many things. It can happen if you don't take enough insulin. It can also happen if you have an … treated? If the symptoms of diabetic ketoacidosis are severe, you may need to be treated in an intensive care …
Medical tests
… test measures the amount of space (volume) red blood cells take up in the blood. The value is given as a percentage of … has a different range for what's normal. Your lab report should show the range that your lab uses for each test. The … damage to body tissues (such as a heart attack ), severe physical or emotional stress (such as a fever, …
Health topics
… ascites. Your doctor may prescribe a diuretic for you to take over the long term. Low-salt diet You may need to reduce your sodium intake by eating less salt. You'll feel better and will lower … what is causing it to build up. It may be used if you: Have severe ascites that is causing extreme discomfort, including …