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Health topics
… what you can expect in terms of growth and development during the first year. Physical growth in newborns Growth … In their own way, they ask for social interaction with others. Your baby will benefit from the protection, support … optimal and healthy development. Parents and caregivers can use the Four M's of Screen Time as guidance to support the …
Health topics
… Saw Palmetto On this page: Treatment Overview Why It Is Used Risks Treatment Overview Saw … include dribbling after urination and getting up many times during the night to urinate. Some people also use it for chronic pelvic pain, hair loss, migraine, and other conditions. From the 1870s until 1950, saw palmetto …
Health topics
… and sleep apnea . The septum can bend to one side or the other as a part of normal growth during childhood and puberty. Also, the septum can be deviated at birth (congenital) or because of an injury, such as a broken nose. Very few people …
HealthLinkBC files
… for parents. Over time, babies gradually sleep longer during the night. How can I make sure that my child is safe … their own sleep space In a safe crib, cradle, bassinet or other option On a firm surface that is free from hazards … a child sleeps on the same sleeping surface or bed with another person. Bedsharing can be especially risky in some …
Health topics
… lenses, there will be a 2- to 4-week break-in period during which you wear the lenses for increasingly longer … more than ordinary contact lenses. Contact lenses may be used by people who have had cataract surgery and couldn't … one eye and a lens that corrects for distance vision in the other eye. Many people who try monovision can adjust to it. …
Health topics
… canal ( vaginal vault prolapse ). Sometimes it's done during a gender-affirming surgery. After the surgery, you … To Expect General, regional, or local anesthesia may be used for vaginal closure surgery (vaginal obliteration). You … gender-affirming surgeries. It's also done if someone has other chronic health problems that make a longer procedure …
HealthLinkBC files
… eat and more. It’s about preparing and enjoying food with others, sharing food traditions and eating mindfully. … you with the nutrients and energy you need for good health. Use your plate as a guide. Aim to fill: Half your plate with … tea, specialty coffees and teas and hot chocolate Sweetened alcoholic drinks Cakes, cookies, muffins, pastry, chocolate …
Health topics
… to the treatment? Do I need to change my sexual activities during treatment? Your doctor may have suggestions for … unlikely to conceive means that you wait longer to consider other options such as adoption. You can set limits on how … Medicine or hormone treatment works very well for some causes of infertility, such as failure to ovulate. But it …
Health topics
… Treatment Overview Motivational therapy for bedwetting uses praise, encouragement, and rewards to help a child gain … help your child in 3 to 6 months, think about trying other methods. This therapy may involve a series of counselling sessions with a trained professional. During the sessions, the counsellor encourages the child to …
Health topics
… have feeling. But you may also feel pain in an area where otherwise you have no feeling. The pain may be severe at … is the most common type of pain with an SCI. This pain is caused by damage to the nervous system . This type of pain may … used for this type of pain. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as aspirin and ibuprofen. These may be …