6326 results found
Health topics
… affects the oxygen and carbon dioxide exchange because the airway swelling and mucus production can also narrow … makes it harder to exchange carbon dioxide and oxygen during each breath. Decreased levels of oxygen in the blood and increased levels of carbon dioxide cause the breathing muscles to contract harder and faster. The …
HealthLinkBC files
… the bottles and nipples using a bottle brush that is only used for your baby’s feeding equipment Rinse everything in … the pot Bring the water to a boil and boil for 2 minutes Use disinfected tongs to remove all items from the pot onto … for no more than 15 minutes. Shake the bottle a few times during warming. Do not get tap water on the nipple or ring. …
Health topics
… how to make informed decisions about equpiment you may use in your baby's first year like strollers and chairs. It … and make sure that you don’t provide food to your infant during car rides or while in a stroller. To keep babies …
Health topics
… Overview Brace (orthotic) treatment for scoliosis is used to prevent spinal curve progression and to maintain a … In most cases, any correction of the curve that occurred during bracing is lost, and the curve returns to its … bracing is discontinued. Why It Is Done Brace treatment is used for a child who is still growing to prevent progression …
Health topics
… for the Home for Vertigo On this page: Overview Overview Use these checklists once a month to see how you are doing … Checklist for the home ____Walkways around the house (especially to the bathroom or telephone) are clear of … that I experience vertigo. They know what might happen during an episode and how they can help. ____I know the side …
Health topics
… (ACEs) are things that happen before adulthood that can cause trauma. Or they're things that make a child feel like … stable. Some examples of ACEs include violence, neglect, abuse, and family mental health or substance use problems. … Stress from ACEs can affect a person's health. This is true during childhood and into adulthood. When doctors know what …
Health topics
… to give. Do not give aspirin to anyone younger than 18 because of the risk of Reye syndrome . Prevent dehydration. … But don't force your child to take fluids, which may cause your child to vomit. Let your child rest. Unless you see signs of dehydration , do not awaken your child during naps or at night to take fluids. Keep your child away …
Health topics
… by herself or with a friend. "Walking is great for me, because I don't have to buy anything to do it, and it doesn't … take a lot of my time," she says. While watching TV, Linda uses small hand weights to do arm lifts during commercial breaks. Every little bit helps At 39, with …
Health topics
… pins, etc. out of reach. Give your baby a toy to play with during diaper changes Wipe the diaper area with a warm, wet … diaper wipe. Pat the area dry or allow it to air dry Do not use powder or cornstarch. A puff of powder near the face or … often sleep through diaper changes. Let baby sleep; don’t bother waking your baby to change a diaper How to change a …
Health topics
… to help your child. Have regular rest times for your child during the day. Ensure that your child gets adequate sleep … yourself and your child cope with problem behaviour that causes breath-holding spells If you have succeeded in … a breath-holding spell. For example, remind your child to "use your words." Acknowledge your child's behaviour and …