6357 results found
Health topics
… Regular day routines Implement daytime routines and habits. Your toddler thrives on routine Keep a regular nap schedule, even on weekends (if possible). When your day is very busy and naps are missed, your toddler may not sleep well at night Try to have your …
Health topics
… after you have completed the physical activity. This helps your heart and body return to their normal state. Cooling down prevents blood from collecting (pooling) in your arms and legs and prevents cramping, increased blood … called rehydrating the body). If you did an activity that caused you to breathe hard and raised your heart rate, such as …
Health topics
… Without it, you don't have the energy to get through your day. But sleep problems that go on for a long time can affect your health. Learn more about getting enough sleep and how to manage sleep problems. Sleep overview Sleep and Your Body Clock Sleep and Your Health Sleeping Better Stages …
Health topics
… habits and how to make lifelong positive changes to improve your health. Healthy eating habits Read about healthy eating … Starting a plan for change Healthy eating: Staying with your plan Healthy eating: Overcoming barriers to change Healthy eating: Getting support when changing your eating habits Improving your eating habits (Government …
Healthy eating
… in the left lower abdomen, constipation, diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and fever. If you have diverticulitis you may … have to stay in the hospital for a few days. Depending on your symptoms, you may continue to eat a regular diet, or … need a low fibre or liquid diet for a short period. Once your symptoms improve, you can gradually return to a high …
Health features
… Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) is a respiratory illness caused by the virus SARS-CoV-2. Symptoms of COVID-19 are … illnesses, including the flu and the common cold. Protect yourself and your community against COVID-19 by getting your updated …
Health topics
… Overview The kidneys and liver are essential for cleaning your blood, maintaining fluid balance, and breaking down the … you eat. If you have kidney or liver problems, changing your diet can help protect these organs and improve their … important roles in prevention and management. Learn about causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment: Non-alcoholic fatty …
Health topics
… Overview It is natural for you to focus extra attention on your physical health when pregnant. It is equally important that you take care of your emotional health. Being pregnant can bring up many new … Relationship changes Tips for pregnant parents Domestic abuse If your partner is abusive, don't be afraid to ask for …
Health topics
… way towards reducing the stress you feel when it comes to your health and the health of those in your care. Whether you have seen a health story on the news, your child has come home from school with a note about …
HealthLinkBC files
… respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) that causes COVID-19. The vaccine causes your body to produce antibodies that will help protect you … immune system, you may need more than one dose depending on your immunization history. Getting all the recommended doses …