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6349 results found
Health topics
… the tube (ureter) that drains urine from the kidney to your bladder, the adrenal gland, and nearby lymph nodes. … remaining part of the kidney to work normally. You may hear your doctor call this "nephron-sparing" surgery. Simple … to do the surgery: Open surgery. The doctor will take out your kidney through a long cut (incision) in the front or …
Health topics
… sex. If you're pregnant and infected, you can pass it to your baby during delivery. What are the symptoms? Many … pain in the scrotum. Conjunctivitis . How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask you questions about your symptoms and your sexual history. You may also have a …
Health topics
… to person. Having an impaired immune system may increase your chance of getting this rash. What are the symptoms? … pink, red, tan, brown, purple, or grey-black, depending on your skin colour. The patches often have fine scales and may itch. How is it diagnosed? Your doctor often can tell if you have tinea versicolor by …
Health topics
… For example, if you change a diaper and don't wash your hands afterward, anything or anyone you touch could get infected. You could even get the illness yourself if you touch your mouth or eat food that you've touched. Children in …
Medical tests
… (sodium). When a tumour that makes aldosterone is present, your aldosterone level will be high while a renin level will … tests. If you are having follow-up aldosterone blood tests, your doctor may give you the following instructions: Eat … A low-salt diet can also increase aldosterone levels. Tell your doctor if you are on a low-salt food plan. Do not eat …
HealthLinkBC files
… Most of the time asbestos poses very little risk to your health. It is only a risk if you breathe in asbestos … large amounts of asbestos fibres, they can become lodged in your lungs and remain there. This can cause scarring and … to high levels of asbestos in the air can be harmful to your health. It could increase your risk of getting a …
Health topics
… footnote 1 Sexual harassment may include: A put-down of your gender. Flirting when you've made clear it's not welcome. Sexual comments or gestures about your body or lifestyle. Pressure for sexual favours. Sexual assault can …
Health topics
… penicillin allergy is an allergic reaction that occurs when your body's immune system overreacts to these antibiotics. … and slowly increase how much you take. You do this under your doctor's supervision. This lets your immune system "get used to" the medicine, and you may …
HealthLinkBC files
… of nutritious foods and beverages each day helps to: Keep your bones and muscles strong Build a healthy immune system … with the nutrients and energy you need for good health. Use your plate as a guide. Aim to fill: Half your plate with vegetables and fruits Fresh, cooked, frozen …
Health topics
… are substances in food that provide energy or that help your body work as it should. Nutrients are used to build and … fat. They provide the body with energy. This energy keeps your heart beating, your brain active, and your muscles working. The energy is …