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3012 results found
Health topics
… A booklet that includes basic information about staying active while living with kidney disease. Living with Kidney … physical activity, how hard, how often and how long to be active for, and when to stop physical activity when living with kidney disease. Being Active When You Have Chronic Kidney Disease (Exercise …
Health topics
… get it and who will not. Neither your fitness level nor being male or female plays a role in whether you get … your lungs and brain. When this happens, symptoms include being confused, not being able to walk straight (ataxia), … is not possible, avoid large meals, alcohol, and being very active after you arrive. Rest, and drink plenty of liquids. …
Health topics
… Canadians have some form of cardiovascular disease, with it being more common as we get older. There are many types of … heart failure and how it can affect your ability to be active. The booklet also offers suggestions on how to be more active. Exercise, physical activity and your blood pressure …
Health topics
… a community after it has been devastated by a flood. Actively participate in normal day-to-day activities. Being active and taking part in daily activities might help … Actively participate in normal day-to-day activities. Being active and taking part in daily activities might help …
Health topics
… your children to learn about and enjoy healthy foods. Be active. Help your children find physical activities and … Teens need to learn healthy habits if they are sexually active. For example: Don't have sex until you're ready, … With Today's Teen Issues Fitness: Getting and Staying Active Growth and Development, Ages 11 to 14 Years Growth …
Health topics
… sauteed, stewed, braised, or breaded meats. 2. Stay active You don't have to run out and join a gym to get active. Start small, and try to make exercise a part of your … activity for at least 2½ hours a week. It's fine to be active in blocks of 10 minutes or more throughout your day …
Health topics
… your health. Actionsets are designed to help people take an active role in managing a health condition. Growth and … the soft fur of a rabbit is more meaningful to a child than being told that an object is "soft like a rabbit." They … children advance from understanding simple sentences to being able to understand complicated content within a …
Health topics
… age and ability level. Only 16% of Canadian adults are active enough to meet the recommended levels of physical … Evans, Canada) This YouTube video describes the benefits of being active and how to fit physical activity into your day. The …
Health features
… enjoying the warm weather. Learn what you can do to prevent being bitten or stung: Insect bites and stings and spider … Canadian Red Cross: 5 ways to stay safe and cool while being active outdoors Health risks in the wilderness (HealthLinkBC …
Health topics
… For the first day or two of back pain, take it easy. Being less active and avoiding movements that hurt might be enough to … that suddenly gets much worse, and you did not cause it by being more active. You lose bladder or bowel control. You …