821 results found
Health topics
… joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis that have minimal bone or cartilage destruction when medicine has not relieved … joints affected by rheumatoid arthritis that have minimal bone or cartilage destruction when medicine has not relieved …
Health topics
… Regular physical activity in young people promotes strong bones and muscles, physical fitness and cognitive function …
Health topics
… body weight. Lead to healthier, stronger muscles and bones. Improve confidence and how you feel about yourself. …
Health topics
… bearing or Strength activities strengthen muscles and bones and improve your posture. Try: weight/strength …
Medical tests
… Cardiac Blood Pool Scan Gallium Scan HIDA Scan Lung Scan Bone Scan Liver and Spleen Scan Testicular Scan … Cardiac Blood Pool Scan Gallium Scan HIDA Scan Lung Scan Bone Scan Liver and Spleen Scan Testicular Scan …
Health topics
… lymphoma . Plasma disorders, such as multiple myeloma . Bone marrow disorders, such as polycythemia vera . Solid … lymphoma . Plasma disorders, such as multiple myeloma . Bone marrow disorders, such as polycythemia vera . Solid …
Health topics
… may have another condition such as a problem with a disc or bones in your back. A healthy back has three natural … may have another condition such as a problem with a disc or bones in your back. A healthy back has three natural …
Health topics
… (poor bite). Growth modification is only possible when bones are still growing. It is most effective during children's growth spurts. Orthodontists use growth modification devices … to change the position, shape, length, or width of the jawbone(s). Some common devices are: Headgear. This is an …
Health topics
… measure to measure around your body at the top of your hip bone. This is usually at the level of your belly button. The … measure to measure around your body at the top of your hip bone. This is usually at the level of your belly button. The …
… urination muscle cramps/weakness increased thirst/urination bone pain mental/mood changes (such as nervousness) shaking … pain, irregular heartbeat) high blood pressure seizures bone loss (osteoporosis) eye problems (such as cataracts, … year. In adults, this medication can increase the risk of bone loss (osteoporosis) if used for a long time. Talk with …