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… irrational thoughts. Here are a few types to look for: Focusing on the negative: This is sometimes called filtering. … I don't have many friends. People must not like me." Focusing on negative "I have some friends, so I know I can make … irrational thoughts. Here are a few types to look for: Focusing on the negative: This is sometimes called filtering. …
Health topics
… that my antibodies won't react with. For now, banking and using my own blood seems safest to me. Ginger, age 60 I was … that my antibodies won't react with. For now, banking and using my own blood seems safest to me." — Ginger, age 60 "I … that my antibodies won't react with. For now, banking and using my own blood seems safest to me. Ginger, age 60 I was …
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HealthLinkBC files
… 15% DV or more is a lot Cook from scratch more often using vegetables and fruits, whole grains and protein foods …