6414 results found
Health topics
… than not using any birth control. In the first year of use: When spermicide is used exactly as directed , 18 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When it is not used exactly as directed , 28 women out of 100 have an unplanned pregnancy. When spermicide is used with another type of birth control, …
Health topics
… mood: Does smoking a cigarette automatically come to mind when you are frustrated, angry, or sad? Does smoking a cigarette calm you when you are upset? Do you smoke more cigarettes when you're under stress? If you tried to quit smoking in …
Health topics
… waking your baby to change a diaper How to change a diaper When diapering and cleaning a baby girl: Always wipe from … of the labia. There is no need to clean inside the vagina When diapering and cleaning a baby boy: Do not pull the foreskin back when cleaning the penis. Wash the area well and clean from …
Health topics
… Your body craves it because it makes you feel good. So when you try to stop smoking, you go through nicotine … to sleep. You're not the only one. Most people feel bad when they try to quit. The hardest part is not reaching for … about this information, print it out and take it with you when you visit your doctor. You may want to mark areas or …
Health topics
… (diplopia). Double vision can occur in one or both eyes. When double vision occurs in both eyes, the cause is usually … may indicate a serious problem. Trouble adjusting vision when entering a dark room. Trouble focusing on close or … and teens and presbyopia in people of about age 40, when reading glasses often become necessary. Problems with …
Medical tests
… is a blood test that measures a substance that is released when a blood clot breaks up. Doctors order the d-dimer test, … is working. Why It Is Done Doctors use the d-dimer test when a person might have a dangerous blood-clotting problem. … to take a blood sample, usually from the arm. How It Feels When a blood sample is taken, you may feel nothing at all …
Health topics
… results. Some tests take longer than others. You can ask when they expect to have the results, so then you'll have an … lab tests. You may feel fine and still have a test, such as when you have an annual physical examination. You may have a … is one that shows that a disease or condition is present when it isn't present. A false-positive test result may …
Health topics
… well ahead of your due date, to make sure you're ready when the time comes. Slow breathing Breathe in through your … slow breathing Breaths will be about twice your normal rate When a contraction starts to decrease, return to your slow breathing When the contraction ends, take a deep breath and end with a …
Health topics
… Overview Wheezing is a whistling noise that occurs when the bronchial tubes , which carry air to the lungs, … tubes become smaller. At first, the person may wheeze when breathing out. As the attack becomes worse, the person may also wheeze when breathing in. During a severe asthma episode, wheezing …
Health topics
… out what triggers your emotional eating. You write down when and what you eat. You also write down what you were … and hunger that's just in your head (psychological hunger). When you start feeling like you want something to eat, rate … full. Change your response to triggers. Plan what you'll do when you notice your emotional eating triggers. Maybe …