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6348 results found
Health topics
… an opioid. Taking too much of an opioid can slow or stop your breathing. This is an emergency. If naloxone is given … The medicine along with syringes and needles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a take-home naloxone kit. A kit can help, and can even save your life, if you have taken too much opioids. You can get a …
Health topics
… steps to do a self-assisted cough. Wrap both arms around your belly, just below the rib cage. Lean back if you can. … breath and hold it. Cough. At the same time, quickly bend your upper body forward while hugging your belly. Talk to your doctor before trying this. Some …
Health topics
… older. You might have another medical condition that masks your asthma. Or you may be more likely to have side effects … from the different medicines you may be taking. To treat your asthma, you and your doctor should work closely together, especially if you: …
Health topics
… Do not use the cream on children younger than age 2 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not use in the diaper area unless your doctor tells you to. Do not use in the rectal or vaginal area on children younger than age 12 unless your doctor tells you to. Do not continue to use the cream …
Health topics
… get rid of water. They don't reduce the amount of fat in your body. Risks of taking over-the-counter weight-loss … Appetite suppressants. Using these medicines to control your weight for long periods of time can be dangerous. … Water-loss pills. Diuretics, such as Diurex, reduce your weight by getting rid of water in your body. This may …
Medical tests
… up after eating, especially after you eat fatty foods. Tell your doctor ALL the medicines and natural health products … you take. Some may increase the risk of problems during your test. Your doctor will tell you if you should stop taking any of …
Health topics
… How bad malaria symptoms are can vary depending on your age, general health, and the kind of malaria parasite … is it diagnosed? The doctor will ask you questions about your health and do a physical examination. If the doctor … of malaria parasite you have and how many parasites are in your blood. This can help with decisions about treatment. If …
Medical tests
… Check for too much or too little iron in the blood. See if your diet is providing enough iron. Find out if treatment to keep the right amount of iron in your blood is working. How To Prepare Do not eat or drink … need to avoid iron supplements for 12 to 24 hours before your test. Your doctor will give you specific instructions. …
Health topics
… (drops) on its own by the time the baby is 3 months old. If your baby's testicle hasn't dropped by the time he is 6 months of age, your doctor may suggest treatment. What causes it? Doctors … How is it diagnosed? At newborn and routine checkups, your doctor will check your baby's scrotum. If the testicle …
Health topics
… be done at any time. It doesn't matter when you last ate. Your fasting blood sugar level is equal to or greater than … you don't eat or drink anything but water for 8 hours. Your 2-hour oral glucose tolerance test result is equal to … is most often done to check for gestational diabetes. Your hemoglobin A1c result is 6.5% or higher. The hemoglobin …