4583 results found
Health topics
… recommends that toddlers see a dentist six months after the first baby tooth appears and no later than 12 … face often to prevent chaffing Give your toddler a clean, chilled wet face cloth or teething ring to chew on. …
Health topics
… before you give yourself another shot. If you're bleeding after you remove the needle, apply direct pressure to stop the bleeding. Clean the wound with soap and water, and cover it with a … when giving yourself a shot, always wash your hands, clean the injection site, and keep your needles sterile. If …
Health topics
… During Pregnancy Healthy eating guidelines for food safety during pregnancy Healthy eating guidelines for …
Health topics
… contact the Canadian Centre for Occupational Health and Safety (CCOHS). Use hearing protectors. If you know you are … with earphones or ear buds. Don't wait to protect yourself. After noise-related damage to the ear is done, it cannot be … loss usually isn't dangerous, it can affect your personal safety. It can also reduce how much you can do in the …
Health topics
… sorry, but I don't use...." "No, I'm really trying to stay clean." "No, I'm trying to cut back." Give a reason why you … again. Say something like: "Hey, I said I'm trying to stay clean, so don't ask me again." "I told you I don't use … anymore, so stop asking." "I'm trying really hard to stay clean, so please don't ask me to use anymore." If you notice …
Health topics
… No Symptoms of serious head injury Did a seizure occur after the head injury? Yes Seizure after head injury No … bleeding. Apply firm pressure directly over the cut with a clean cloth or bandage for 15 minutes. If the cut is deep … occur more often or are more severe. Learn more Child Safety: Preventing Falls Preventing Children's Injuries From …
Health topics
… bleach or battery acid) and alkali substances (such as oven cleansers or fertilizers) can damage the eye. It may take 24 hours after the burn to know how serious an eye burn may be. … can prevent eye injuries by using protective eyewear. Wear safety glasses, goggles, or face shields when you work with …
Health topics
… or breaks in your exposed skin. Wear rubber gloves when cleaning articles soiled with urine, feces, or vomit to … these body products. Wash your hands with soap and water after any contact with blood, even if you wear gloves. … person infected with HIV do not require special methods of cleaning. Let the person infected with HIV prepare meals if …
Medical tests
… urine that is collected: At a random time. This is usually after the first time you urinate in the morning. Over a … remove the lid and set it down with the inner surface up. Clean the area around your penis or vagina. Start to urinate … during this time period, collect your urine in a small, clean container. Then pour the urine into the large …
Health topics
… hairs, are small, irritated bumps on the skin. They happen after you shave, when strands of hair curl back on … If you see a razor bump forming, you may be able to use a clean needle to release the hair shaft. This usually stops a … If you see a razor bump forming, you may be able to use a clean needle to release the hair shaft. This usually stops a …