6279 results found
Health topics
… "female"). This will make sure that the tool asks the right questions for you. Is your child having belly pain that does … . NOTE : Most people have an average body temperature of about 37°C (98.6°F). But it can vary by a degree or more and … area with zinc oxide or another cream. Diaper rash is common after diarrhea. Learn how to clean up diarrhea …
Health topics
… page: Overview Overview Surgery is more common on the larger joints, such as the hip and the knee. … Surgery to repair bunions or hammer toes is fairly common. In some cases a joint can be replaced with man-made … parts. But in the small joints of the hands and feet, it's common to join (fuse) the bones together. This is called …
Health topics
… These include: Papillary thyroid cancer. This is the most common type of thyroid cancer. It's often only found in one … iodine from food. Hürthle cell cancer. This is a much less common type. It tends to spread to the lymph nodes in the neck. Medullary thyroid cancer. This isn't very common. One type occurs mostly in adults. The other type is …
Health topics
… syringes and needles. Talk to your doctor or pharmacist about a take-home naloxone kit. A kit can help, and can even … Blue or purple lips or fingertips. No response when you ask questions, shake the person, or rub the person's breastbone … Blue or purple lips or fingertips. No response when you ask questions, shake the person, or rub the person's breastbone …
HealthLinkBC files
… bleach Bleach works best when added to warm water that is about 20˚C (68˚F). Mix: 2 drops (0.1 mL) of household bleach (about 5.25% chlorine) 1 litre (4 cups) of water Cover and … hand sanitizer. For more information If you have questions about your drinking water, contact your local …
Health topics
… taste. Ask your doctor or a dietitian for help if you have questions about nutrition. Getting Enough Fibre … taste. Ask your doctor or a dietitian for help if you have questions about nutrition. Getting …
Health topics
… daily activities. Anyone can get chronic pain. It's more common in older adults, but it's not a normal part of aging. … Your doctor can find out if you have chronic pain by asking about your past illnesses and your overall health. Your … take a detailed medical history. Your doctor will ask you questions about your overall health and past illnesses, …
Health topics
… physical activity in children and youth Learn more about why physical activity is important for children and … Preventing injuries from physical activity If you have questions about or would like support with healthy physical activity, …
Health topics
… on managing pain, fatigue, depression, and other symptoms common in fibromyalgia. The goal is to break the cycle of … habits. These can often be treated if you tell your doctor about them. New symptoms, or your existing symptoms get … as rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. Your doctor will also ask questions about your medical history and do a physical …
Health topics
… Heavy bleeding For those with non-emergency health questions and concerns, there may be better options than …