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Medical tests
… used during the examination, the numbing effect will last about 30 minutes. You can eat or drink when your throat is … throat. You will lie on your back during this procedure. After you are asleep, the rigid laryngoscope is put in your … awake and able to swallow. Do not eat or drink anything for about 2 hours after a laryngoscopy or until you are able to …
Health topics
… kidneys. How is it diagnosed? First, your doctor will ask about your medical history and your symptoms. The doctor … is so that antibiotics can be given through a vein (IV). After your fever is gone and you are stable, you may be able … kidneys. How is it diagnosed? First, your doctor will ask about your medical history and your symptoms. The doctor …
Health topics
… symptoms? It is common for babies to spit up (have reflux) after they eat. Babies with severe gastroesophageal reflux … reflux, a doctor will do a physical examination and ask about symptoms. A baby who is healthy and growing may not … reflux, a doctor will do a physical examination and ask about symptoms. A baby who is healthy and growing may not …
Health topics
… in the hands and feet. Symptoms usually start within a week after the bite. Some people also have a headache, muscle … symptoms.  How is it diagnosed? Your doctor will ask about your symptoms and any recent travel. The doctor may … this illness. Symptoms usually go away on their own after about a week. Treating your symptoms may help you feel …
Health topics
… in PTSD On this page: Overview Overview After a traumatic event, you may develop post-traumatic … the surface. When something bothers you, you may not think about the situation before acting. You go into survival … such as talking things over. Feel threatened and fearful about things that may not be dangerous. What you can do Here …
Health topics
… tips for diapering your newborn: Wash your hands before and after each change Put your baby on a flat, safe surface, … from the mouth or from stool. A yeast infection can develop after your baby has had a rash for several days To reduce …
Medical tests
… and tender. There may be a small amount of bleeding after this test. Risks There are no problems from collecting … of vaginal secretions. Results Your doctor may talk to you about the results after the test. If the sample needs to be … vaginosis is present. Vaginal pH Normal: Vaginal pH is about 3.8–4.5. Abnormal: Vaginal pH is higher than 4.5. A …
Health topics
… that your child's visits to a dentist start within 6 months after the first primary teeth appear or by 12 months of age. … applications. Your dentist or hygienist may ask you about the foods you eat. What you eat and whether you get … tooth decay or gum disease, your dentist will talk to you about changing your brushing or flossing habits. In severe …
Health topics
… urine can flow out into a collection container. Lubricate about 5 cm (2 in.) of the tip of the catheter. … your doctor. When urine begins to flow, insert the catheter about 5 cm (2 in.) more into the penis. When the urine stops … Catheter care One-time–use catheters can be thrown away after each use. If you have a reusable catheter, you will …
Health topics
… is also called chips, chunks, or rocks. The name crack came about because of the crackling sound that it makes when it … may have tremors or muscle twitches or become paranoid. After using cocaine, the person feels irritable, tired, and … is used along with alcohol. The effects of cocaine last about 1 to 2 hours. Cocaine can be detected in a urine drug …