6351 results found
Medical tests
… to make magnified images, or pictures, of the back of your eye . This includes the retina. It's the part of the … your pupils, think about having someone else drive you home. The drops make your eyes very sensitive to light. You … looks healthy. Abnormal: There is a mole, cyst, or some other problem on the back of the eye. There are blocked or …
Health topics
… who have PAD . If you have trouble walking because of your symptoms, this type of program may help you walk more easily. footnote 1 Your doctor may recommend a supervised exercise program. … the pain starts. You may start a similar walking program at home (with your doctor's approval). You'll get instructions …
Health topics
… of the leg. In a few people, it shifts toward the inside. Your knee joint is a complex hinge that joins the two bones … the difference between patellar tracking disorder and some other knee problems. To find out what problem you have, your … If you don't have severe pain, a week or two of rest and home care may help. When your knee pain starts to decrease, …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … in people with cystic fibrosis. It is used along with other treatments for this disease (such as chest physical … not a complete list of possible side effects. If you notice other effects not listed above, contact your doctor or …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … to control high blood sugar in people with type 2 diabetes. Controlling high blood sugar helps prevent kidney damage, … based on your medical condition, response to treatment, and other medications you may be taking. Be sure to tell your …
Health topics
… injury. What causes it? Autonomic dysreflexia occurs when your body reacts to pain or pressure below your spinal cord … reaction that causes your blood pressure to go up. Other things that may cause this reaction include: Urinary … are ways you may be able to treat autonomic dysreflexia at home. Sit up straight, or raise your head so you are looking …
Medical tests
… 2 to 5 days before this test. This helps to make sure that your sperm count will be at its highest. It also makes the … or clinic, you may be able to collect the semen sample at home. Collect the semen sample into the container your … infection. If problems are found, more testing may be done. Other tests may include measuring hormones, such as …
Health topics
… at a later time. After surgery, you will probably go home the same day or the next day. Many people can go back to work or their normal routine in 3 to 6 weeks. Your new breast will likely not have any feeling. It will … bleeding, or a reaction to the anesthesia used in surgery. Other risks from breast implants include: Capsular …
… medical advice and does not substitute for the advice of your health care professional. Always ask your health care … and your specific health needs. Uses This drug is used with other HIV medications to help control HIV infection. It … To decrease your risk of spreading HIV disease to others, continue to take all HIV medications exactly as …
Health topics
… around or inside the mouth. Cold sores can easily spread to others until the blisters are completely healed. But there … may include a spot that tingles, burns, or itches around your mouth and on your lips. A blister usually forms within … If children have oozing cold sore blisters, keep them home until the blisters scab over. …