3090 results found
Health features
… Living with COPD Some lifestyle and environmental factors can impact your physical health and may worsen your … 9 am and 5 pm Pacific Time, Monday to Friday. Healthy eating With COPD, you may have lower energy levels or feel … Champion Lung Fitness Program: an educational, exercise and social support program for people COPD and their families …
Medical tests
… look at your results based on your age, health, and other factors. A value that isn't in the normal range may still be … , sprue (celiac disease) , cystic fibrosis , or other disorders that affect the absorption of fats. The presence … , sprue (celiac disease) , cystic fibrosis , or other disorders that affect the absorption of fats. The presence …
HealthLinkBC files
… English Many people include snacks as a part of their eating pattern. Snacks can: Give you energy Satisfy hunger … of food, and how often we eat can change based on many factors. This includes age, daily routine, activity level, … visit www.healthlinkbc.ca Nutrition Series Heart Healthy Eating for People with High Cholesterol (#68a) Healthy …
Health topics
… On this page: What is healthy aging? Staying active Healthy eating Mental well-being Preventive health and safety Your … to the reassurance of health screenings. Managing risk factors becomes a powerful tool in preventing potential … about how to increase your strength and balance, and creating a secure home environment are also keys to …
Health topics
… of getting this cancer. Having one or more of these risk factors can make it more likely that you will get thyroid … your medicine. Eat healthy food. If you don't feel like eating, try to eat food that has protein and extra calories … and may be able to help you find counselling or other social support services. Social groups. Social groups can …
Health topics
… the levels of glucose (sugar) in your blood. Find out how eating well and being physically active can help prevent and manage diabetes. Healthy eating and diabetes Healthy eating plays a key part in … activity can improve blood glucose control, reduce risk factors that contribute to the progression of diabetes (such …
Health topics
… organs and can be deadly. You can also spread TB by not treating active TB. Cause Tuberculosis (TB) is caused by … can be made for you to continue the treatment. Healthy eating and exercise During treatment for TB, eat healthy … or health department can help you find a counsellor or social worker to help you cope with your feelings. …
Health topics
… Acts of violence. Examples are: Hitting, kicking, or beating. Pushing, choking, or burning. Physical restraints. … Reports from the older person of financial abuse. What factors can make abuse more likely? Elder abuse is a complex … when these adult children live with the older person. Social isolation. Caregivers and family members who live …
Health topics
… one of the many initiatives under Health Canada’s healthy eating strategy. It is a dynamic, online, evidence-based … energy requirements are different and based on a variety of factors including age, activity level, body size, health … resources translated into different languages? What about cultural adaptations? In addition to English and French, the …
Health topics
… of getting this cancer. Having one or more of these risk factors can make it more likely that you will get colorectal … per week, and high if you have 7 or more drinks per week. Eating foods high in red and processed meats. And having a … and may be able to help you find counselling or other social support services. Social groups. Social groups can …