2056 results found
Healthy eating
… Oat bran, cooked 175mL (¾ cup) 3.6 Shredded wheat 30g 3.9 Protein foods Food Portion Size Total Fibre (grams) Tofu …
Health topics
… The pressure damages the skin and underlying tissues, creating an injury. This can happen when you lie in bed or sit … to check for infection or to see if you're getting enough protein in your diet. The doctor may also want to do a skin … is the most important part of both preventing and treating pressure injuries. Putting pressure on one spot for …
Health topics
… antitrypsin deficiency? Alpha-1 antitrypsin (AAT) is a protein normally found in the lungs and the bloodstream. It … pulmonary rehabilitation. This means learning exercise, eating, and breathing tips and other ways to help yourself … pulmonary rehabilitation. This means learning exercise, eating, and breathing tips and other ways to help yourself …
Health topics
… hazel pads. Ease constipation by drinking lots of fluid and eating high-fibre foods. Ask your doctor about … the postpartum period include accepting help from others, eating well and drinking plenty of fluids, getting rest … to help you get all the nutrients you need. Your body needs protein, carbohydrate, and fats for energy. Eat a diet high …
Health topics
… be caused by doing more physical activity than usual, not eating on time or enough, or taking too much of your … (low blood sugar) may include dizziness, shakiness, sweating, weakness, faster heart rate, drowsiness, intense … weight, and take medication if you need to. See Healthy Eating and Physical Activity for more information about how …
Health topics
… speak for yourself, the bracelet will let those who are treating you know that you have epilepsy. It will also list … ketogenic diet provides 4 grams of fat for every 1 gram of protein and carbohydrate together. People on a ketogenic … speak for yourself, the bracelet will let those who are treating you know that you have epilepsy. It will also list …
Health topics
… symptoms too, such as nausea, vomiting, a fever, and sweating. How is pancreatitis diagnosed? Your doctor will do a … pancreatic enzyme pills to help your body digest fat and protein. If you have chronic pancreatitis, you will need to … take an active role in managing a health condition. Healthy Eating: Cutting Unhealthy Fats From Your Diet Cause …
Healthy eating
… Introduction Plan healthy menus Act to support healthy eating Showcase the great taste of healthier food while … Include food choices from each of the four food groups from Eating Well with Canada's Food Guide at every meal: … and poultry Water to quench thirst Act to support healthy eating Score freshly made food using the Checklist . Adapt …
Healthy eating
… Provide healthy meals and snacks Act to support healthy eating Where can we find out more? Provide healthy hydration … to fuel and refuel instead of "sports food" such as protein/sports bars, sports drinks, gels and meal … or plain yogurt ½ bagel with cheese Act to support healthy eating Involve students in choosing which food and drinks …
Health topics
… Linda uses Canada's Food Guide to help her make healthy eating choices. She fills half of her plate with vegetables … is whole grain foods. The final quarter of her plate is for protein foods. She makes water her drink of choice. "In … Linda uses Canada's Food Guide to help her make healthy eating choices. She fills half of her plate with vegetables …