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5549 results found
Health topics
… I'd like these people to be with me during labour and birth: __ Partner: … awake. __ With me only for feeding. __ With me based on how well I feel at the time. If I have a baby boy: __ I'd like … awake. __ With me only for feeding. __ With me based on how well I feel at the time. If I have a baby boy: __ I'd like …
Health features
… child practices healthy lifestyle habits, including healthy eating, keeping physically active and getting enough sleep. … of Immunizing Your Child (HealthLinkBC File #50b) Healthy eating Creating healthy eating habits from an early age is … a healthier sleep and why your child might not be sleeping well: Participaction: Canadian 24-Hour Movement Guidelines …
Health topics
… realized it wasn't a time-limited thing. It wasn't like, 'Well, I'm going to be really good and stay on this food plan … mean 'healthy,'" she says. Maggie's strategies for healthy eating Maggie lost weight by focusing on one meal at a time. … But pats on the back from other people gave her support during her journey to get healthier. "One of the …
… fever, chills). Uses Ifosfamide is used to treat various cancers (such as testicular cancer). It works by slowing or … medication touches your skin, immediately wash the area well with soap and water. If this medication gets in your … medication to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting. Eating several small meals, not eating before treatment, …
Health topics
… Overview How It Is Done What To Expect Why It Is Done How Well It Works Risks Surgery Overview Coronary … your energy level is back to normal. You may have some swelling or pain in the area where the healthy blood vessel … to the heart muscle after a heart attack. Risks The risks during or soon after bypass surgery include: Infection. …
Health topics
… Going for regular, brisk walks in combination with healthy eating, can also help you to stay within a healthy weight … lightweight, comfortable clothing and dress in layers. During warm weather, wear a hat and sunscreen and carry a … If you are walking on your own, stick to familiar paths and well-lit populated areas. Let someone know where you will be …
Health topics
… The endometrium is the tissue that lines the uterus. During each menstrual cycle, a new lining grows, getting … have severe pain. In some cases, the problem can affect how well your bowels, bladder, or other organs work. Pain from … effects from NSAIDs used for pain. Personal stories about treating endometriosis with hormone therapy These stories are …
… In children, it is usually given daily for 5 days in a row during each treatment cycle or as directed by the doctor. … medication to prevent or relieve nausea and vomiting. Eating several small meals, not eating before treatment, or … serious side effects, including: easy bruising/bleeding swelling ankles/feet This medication can lower the body's …
… Irinotecan may cause severe diarrhea, which can occur during or right after you receive this medication and/or … such as runny nose, increased saliva, watery eyes, sweating, stomach cramps, or flushing. If the diarrhea starts … you have any serious side effects, including: pain/redness/swelling at the injection site or arms/legs …
Health topics
… a skin growth caused by sun damage. It can turn into skin cancer, but this isn't common. Actinic keratoses, also … is checked by parting the hair. If there is a chance of cancer, your doctor may take a sample of your skin and test … How is it treated? Your doctor may recommend one of these treatments: Cryotherapy. This involves freezing the skin …